Rare Birds in Spain. Bird News 11-20 June 2024


Ricard Gutiérrez (editor). Data from eBird, ornitho.cat, observado.es, birdingemporda.com and Rarebirdspain whatsapp group



Ducks & Geese


17.6.2024 Spatula discors 1 ind Parque de la Menacha, Cádiz (Antonio Jesús Sepúlveda). Still present


17.6.2024 Melanitta perspicillata 1 ind Ría de Foz, Lugo (Luís José Salaverri). Later seen too (Saúl Román, Ana Rivas) and into 18.6 (Lois Santos, Antón Santos; Pablo García, David Calleja –photo-).





13.6.2024 Xenus cinereus  1 ind Ca l’Arana beach, Llobregat Delta, Barcelona (Ferran López)






14.6.2024 Gyps africanus 1 ind Tráfico, PN El Estrecho, Tarifa, Cádiz (Simon Tonkin). Map: Track from the bird from Rachid (bird GA03 ringed in Morocco) with bird sleeping at Abrajanejo and leaving towards Jerez de la Frontera later.







17.6.2024 Leucophaeus atricilla 1 ind Caleta de Vélez, Málaga (Salvador García) 18.7(Mick Richardson, Juan Ramírez –photo-, Blas López, Armando Molina; Santiago Caballero, Antonio Tamayo, Sergio González, Gonzalo Rodríguez)




Passerines and others


15.6.2024 Corvus cornix 1 ind Principe Pìo, Madrid (Belen Gil)


14.6.2024 Passer luteus 1 ind at Playa del Inglés, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Gran Canaria, Canary Islands. Still present (Antonio Gutiérrez Villalgordo), 17.6 2 birds (Miguel Hernández Santana); 20.6 (Alberto Laiz, Maria Bueno).


15.6.2024 Emberiza sahari 1 ind Algeciras, Cádiz. Still present (Juan Miguel González)

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