
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2010

Tõnn leaves for the N [Tõnn se va al norte]

T õ nn at El Hondo, Alicante © Graham Critchell. 3.2.2010 The Estonian Greater Spotted Eagle ' Tõnn' that has been overwintering at El Hondo wetland in Alicante has left north on 2-3 Aprl 2010 (2.4 according to Estonian team, but 3.4 according to local observers which recorded the bird on the afternoon of 2.4) and by 5.4 it was in Catalonia, about to enter in France, at Alt Empordà county, near La Jonquera. The Estonian team in charge of the monitoring of the eagle have built a webpage with a map of its migration which you can follow here . Thanks to all observers reporting its staying in Spain, let's hope to meet you again next winter and good journey Tõnn ! Resumen: Tõnn se va al Norte. El águila moteada estonia conocida con el nombre de Tõnn dejó su zona de invernada en El Hondo, Alicante entre el 2-3.4.2010 y marchó al norte. El 4.4 estaba ya en los puertos de Beceite, Teruel y el 5.4 junto a la frontera el La Jonquera, Alt Empordà, Catalunya. El equipo estonio de segu