Orange-billed Tern videos [Videos de charranes de pico naranja]
Rafael García Costales nos proporciona un par de videos suyos en youtube sobre los charranes de pico naranja observados en la bahía de Cádiz en Septiembre de 2009. El adulto es un viejo conocido al ser con seguridad el mismo ave que nidificó dos años en el delta de l'Ebre, Tarragona, luego fue capturado y anillado en l'Albufera de Valencia, donde se hibridó con un sandvicensis y en 2009 ha nidificado con otro charrán de pico naranja en el delta de l'Ebre, produciendo un pollo que podría bien ser el ave que se observa en el segundo video, un juvenil.
El adulto marcado / the ringed adult
El juvenil /the juvenile
Rafael García Costales has sent us a couple of videos from him at youtube about the yellow-billed tedns seen at Cádiz bay in September 2009.The adult is an old fellow of the Rarebirdspain visitors since it's the same bird that bred twice at Ebro delta and then moved to Albufera de Valencia where it was ringed while breeding paired to a Sandwich tern and produced one chick. In 2009 it has bred at Ebro delta with another yellow-billed tern producing another chick that might be that of the second video, a juvenile.
El adulto marcado / the ringed adult
El juvenil /the juvenile
Rafael García Costales has sent us a couple of videos from him at youtube about the yellow-billed tedns seen at Cádiz bay in September 2009.The adult is an old fellow of the Rarebirdspain visitors since it's the same bird that bred twice at Ebro delta and then moved to Albufera de Valencia where it was ringed while breeding paired to a Sandwich tern and produced one chick. In 2009 it has bred at Ebro delta with another yellow-billed tern producing another chick that might be that of the second video, a juvenile.