Rarest of the rare 2015 [El más raro de los raros 2015]
Castellano: mirad más abajo
Rarest of the rare contest is back again! In its 6th year in-a-row edition, you'll find enclosed below a selection of of perhaps the rarest sightings obtained in the country during 2015 chosen by the webmaster of Rarebirdspain.net according to scarcity or singularity of the record.
This year, Rare Birds in Spain, in its 15 year-in-a-row online period has published until 24th December 2015 news on 933 national rarity sightings and has published 501 large (720 pixels wide) original photos, 8 videos and 368 small sized (thumbnails) supporting photos kindly sent by the authors. Another major step towards a better understanding of the occurrence of rare birds in Spain. It therefore has not been easy to choose a selection of the rarest birds recorded amongst those 933 records and 877 media received, but once again the rarest of the rare is below and it's up to you choose which will be.
There might be more species such as the unknown origin Demoiselle Crane present at Extremadura this winter or the two Snow Geese at Gijón, perhaps granting for full acceptance into A category if this record considered together with others in Europe and the amount recorded in E USA. Many other gulls or warblers too. But some line has to be established and within this 11 species list I'm sure there's room to find the rarest of the rare 2015.
Please vote the poll (right side of the blog) to see which species sighting can be considered the rarest of the rare 2015!. As in previous editions, winner will be included in the website gif banner in due course. You can choose several choices, not only one, we suggest three is a good number. If interested in the different sightings, follow the links to the original report of the species in the Rare Birds in Spain website. The enclosed species are impressive and they reflect the interest of our area besides the work of all the observers not only to find the species but also to record them carefully for the future. Happy rarest of the rare 2015 and a better 2016 year!
El concurso 'El más raro de los raros' está de vuelta, como los turrones por navidad. En su 6ª edición consecutiva, se incluye una selección de las citas tal vez más raras que se hayan obtenido en el país durante 2015, elegidas por el webmaster de Rarebirdspain.net de acuerdo a su escasez o singularidad.
Este año, Rare Birds in Spain, en su quinceava temporada consecutiva ha publicado hasta el 24 de Diciembre de 2015 933 citas de rarezas nacionales y ha publicado en las doce páginas del año, sin contar las especiales de fotografía, un total de 501 fotos originales a tamaño grande (de 720 pixeles de ancho), 8 videos y 368 pequeñas fotos de soporte (thumbnails) amablemente enviadas por los autores para la web. Sin duda un paso más para entender mejor la presencia de las aves raras en España. No es de extrañar que haya sido dificil seleccionar las aves más raras observadas entre las 933 citas y los 877 archivos multimedia recibidos, pero una vez más el concurso 'el más raro de los raros' lo teneis más abajo y depende de vuestro voto quien sea el ganador final.
Seguramente se podría hacer una lista más larga, como la de otros años, que incluyesen especies como la grulla damisela de origen desconocido que está en Extremadura este invierno o los dos ánsares nivales de Gijón en Diciembre que tal vez contribuyan a la aceptación de su especie en la lista 'A' si se considera esa cita con el resto de aves presentes en Europa este año y la cantidad de ánsares nivales en el este de los Estados Unidos. También algunas otras gaviotas o paseriformes. Pero por algún sitio hay que cortar y dentro de este grupo de 11 especies estoy seguro que hay suficiente competencia como para encontrar el más raro de los raros 2015.
Por favor, votad en la encuesta (en el lado derecho del blog) para ver qué cita puede ser considerada la más rara de entre las raras de 2015!. Podeis escoger diferentes opciones dado que la elección es muy complicada, (se sugieren tres votos). Si estais interesados en obtener más información de las citas en cuestión podeis seguir los enlaces a las páginas originales de la web Rare Birds in Spain. La selección vuelve a ser impresionante, trae sin duda buenos recuerdos a los involucrados y refleja el interés de nuestra zona y el trabajo de todos los observadores no únicamente para detectar las especies, sino dejar constancia de ellas con excelentes documentos. Feliz raro de los raros 2015 y un mejor año 2016 para todo el mundo!
Candidate in recent years too, 2015 has represented a good oportunity to see 'Ciprana' in adult plumage during its three months staying. A first, and only, for Spain grants the entry in this contest again.
Lugo The returning bird, locally named 'Ciprana' that was seen again as an adult 8w (born on 2007) on 28.12.2014 at Lago, Xove, Lugo was seen again until 4.1.2015 at least (Álvaro Rodríguez Pomares). Still around on 5.1 (Bernat Iglesias) and 10.1, when also seen during the day at San Ciprián, Lugo (David Calleja Marcos & Jose Antonio Arregui ). Still there on 14.1(Marc Gàlvez, Paco Bernáldez) and on 17.1 at Lago, Xove, Lugo (Juan Gómez Escáriz, Javier Cantil). The bird was seen again on 19.01 at Xove, Lago and San Cibrao, Lugo (David Calleja Marcos & Jose Antonio Herrero Fernández), but not on 23.1 (David Calleja).Seen again on 29.1 at San Cibrao, Lugo (Clemente Álvarez Usategui, Eduardo Amengual). In February it was seen again on 1.2 at San Cibrao, Lugo (David Calleja, Ramsés Pérez). The gull was seen again 3.2 at San Ciprián, Lugo (Martin Gottschling), and 7.2 too (Toño Salazar). On 8.2 was first seen at O Torno beach then at San Ciprián/San Cibrao, Lugo harbour (David Calleja, J.Antonio Arregui, Gabriel Martín, Óscar Llama, Asier Aldaur, Jesús Menéndez, Atocha Ramos, Dani Monteagudo, Carla Soaje, Cosme Damián Romay; José Luís Lorenzo). On 14.2 it had moved to Playa do Torno, San Cibrao, Lugo (Carlos Lozano Robledo, Sara Álvarez, Jorge Díaz, Bárbara Manzuoli). Seen again on 15.2 at San Ciprián, Lugo, where relocated (Pablo Gutiérrez, Antonio Gutiérrez) and 20.2 at Playa de San Cibrao, Lugo (Marc Gàlvez, José Guerra). On 22.2 it was seen at Lago, Lugo again (Ferran López, Óscar Llama, David Calleja, José Luis Copete, Alberto Javier Somoza, Rafa Armada, Manolo García Tarrasón, Guillermo Rodríguez, Javier Traín, Juan Sagardía, Xurxo Piñeiro, Jose Portillo, Carlos Martín, Xabi Varela et al). In March it was seen again on 7.3 at San Ciprián, Lugo (Jus Pérez Martín). On 8.3 it was still present at Lago fish-farm, Xove, Lugo (Antonio Gutiérrez Pita, Pablo Gutiérrez Varga, David Calleja Marcos,Antonio Martinez Pernas) and later at foz de río Covo, San Cibrao, Cervo, Lugo (David Calleja Marcos, Jus Pérez Martín y Ricardo Hevia Barcón). Seen again on 15.3 (Luis Gude, David Calleja, Fernando Pereiras, Antonio Gutiérrez, Pablo Gutiérrez) and 21.3 (Luis Gude, David Calleja Marcos, Fernando Pereiras).
The news
were broadcasted but the bird was seen intermitently and was elusive.
But it was seen again on 10.2 (Mariano Cebolla, Sofia Rivaes) again with
no photos. However, on 11.2 it was photographed (Vicente Tamarit). And on 12.2 too (J.Ignasi Barrachina; Mariano Cebolla). On 13.2 it was not seen in the usual place but on 14.2
a party of over 30 observers coming from abroad and as far as
Valladolid relocated the bird at Sorrapa fields, by the place of the 1st
sighting on 9.2 and new photos and videos could be obtained. News were
featured on 13.2 at Catalan Television Tv3 too. (Juan
Sagardía, Xurxo Piñeiro, Jana Marco, Carles Martínez, Lluís Gustamante,
Aleix Comas, Ferran López, Maria Cabau, José Luís Copete, Toni Alonso,
José Portillo, Grabi de Jesús, Carles Durà, Mariano Cebolla, Roser Solé,
Josep Tantull, Bernat Iglesias et al). On 15.2 it was seen again at the
lemon-tree orchard by a group of c.30 people and a TV3 team. It was videoscoped and photographed (Ricard
Gutiérrez, Rafael Armada, Helena Arbonés; Mariano Cebolla, Sofia Rivaes,
Felipe Rosado, Fernando Salas, Alberto Somoza, Màrius Domingo, Xavier
Aute, Marc Noguera, Pancho Pou, Xavier Idígora et al). On 16.2 it was
seen too (Oriol Clarabuch; Quique Carballal et al) and it remained the
whole following week: 17.2 (Nico Ordax, Guillem Rius; Carles Oliver),
18.2 (Nacho Castelao, Clemente Álvarez Usategui), 19.2 (Joan Ventura),
21.2 (Jus Pérez Martín, Mª José Valencia) and 22.2 (Miquel Bonet,
Manuel Caamaño, Salva Solé, Elvira Morilla, Sara Sánchez), the last days
being seen more irregularly due to strong wind conditions. The
bird was still visible at lemon-tree orchard, Deltebre, Tarragona on
23.2 (Xavier Jiménez; Jordi Martí-Aledo), 27.2 but at Ebre river
promenade, 200m N of lemon orchard (Ricard Gutiérrez) and 28.2 (Joan
Antó; Grabi de Jesús et al; Gerard Dalmau et al). In March it was still present at Deltebre, Tarragona, by the river
Ebre, on 1.3 (Fina Bonet, Toni Mallol, Jordi Martí-Aledo; Cristian
Jensen; Jordi Vázquez et al). The bird was still there on 2.3 (Carles
Oliver; Cristian Jensen/Audouin Birding Tours),3.3 (Stephen Abbott),
4.3.2015 (Lluís Mir @ornitho.cat), 6.3 (Fran Trabalón) and 7.3 (Juan
Carlos Albero), see a photo below. Seen again on 11.3 (Steve West) and
15.3 (Joan Ferrer). The bird remained until late March: 24.3 (Pablo
Galiano; (Joan Estebe);27.3 (@KatyKestrel), and 28.3 (Quim Minoves) tp 29.3 (Manolo Sánchez-Blanch). The bird stayed at Deltebre until April 2015, when it was seen on 2.4 (Àlex Mascarell @ornitho.cat), 3.4 (Ramón
Servitje; Miguel Grande, Oscar Llama, Alfredo Sanchez Galán, Iván
Sarabia, Jose Ramon Martin y Ricardo Rodríguez, 4.4 (Àlex Ollé; Javier Train) and 5.4 (Frederic Sánchez Juanpere; Joan Mestre Querol). The bird continued at the lemon orchard on 11.4 (Antonio Rodríguez Sinovas @ ornitho.cat). The bird was seen again on 17.4 (Miquel Rafa, Mariano Cebolla) but not on 18.4.
Read the full account of the relocation also in Rarebirdspain blog here.A new account from the initial observer point of view was also published at BirdGuides website here.
Valencia. On 21.3.2014 a 2cy bird was found and photographed, in company of Yellow-legged Gulls Larus michahellis at La Foia, Sollana, P.N Albufera de València, València (Toni Alcocer). Much to the surprise of the author(s), on 9.2.2015 a 2w (3cy) bird, considered perhaps to be the same of 2014, was seen and photographed at Arrossars del rec del Diputat, Alfafar, Parc natural de l'Albufera, València (Bosco Dies, Toni Alcocer, J. Ignacio Dies, Miguel Chardí, Iván Ruíz, Guillermo García, Pedro Marín et al). It was only seen that day. Relocated on 15.2 (Toni Alcocer;J.Portillo, J.Sagardía,C.Martín,X.Piñeiro et al), and on 18.2 (Nacho Castelao). In March,
it was seen again on 2.3 (Pedro Marín) and 7.3 (Grabi de Jesús) to 8.3 (Maria José Valencia, Toni Alcocer, Ferran López, Alberto Somoza, J Luis Copete, Rafa Armada et al). Still present on 14.3 at Marjal de Catarroja, l'Albufera de València (Toni Alcocer)
A single day rarity, 1st for Catalonia and 2nd-3rd for Spain seen only one day of April at Pals ricefields, Girona, much to the discouragement of the tens of people looking for it.
Girona. Much to the surprise of the authors, a bird was found on 18.4 evening at Mas Carles ricefields, Pals, Girona (Joan Estrada Jofra, Víctor Estrada, Montse Jofra). See a photo below and more in the special photopage for this sighting here. Not relocated the following day despite over 20 people search.
A 3rd for Spain, 2nd for the Canary islands, was seen off El Hierro island on 22.5
El Hierro. A 2nd cycle bird was seen and photographed on 22.5 at Mar del Las Calmas, La Restinga, El Hierro island, Canary Islands (Marcel Gil, Crístel Reyes, María García & Agustina Schiavi). 3rd for Spain.
The 2nd for Spain seen also in Lanzarote after some years of the 1st, and by the same observer! Unlike the Lesser Sand Plover, this American passerine vagrant granted opportunities to be twitched by some lucky birders.
Lanzarote. On 30.9 a bird was seen in flight at Puerto del Carmen, Lanzarote (Francisco Javier García Vargas). The following day it was observed properly and photos were taken. See THIS SPECIAL PAGE HERE WITH LOTS OF INFORMATION AND PHOTOS. The bird found on 30.9 was seen and photographed on 1.10 at Puerto del Carmen, Lanzarote (Francisco Javier García Vargas). Later in the day photographed too (David Pérez). Seen again on 2.10 (Francisco Javier García Vargas, Julio Rodríguez, Antonio Unquiles) and 4.10 (Antonio Portales). Still around on 5.10 (Francisco Javier García Vargas, Carlos Moreno, Gustavo Tejera).
Four Lesser Whitethroats were reported in October 2015 but this was the 1st to match the characters of the Siberian ssp blythi, a 1st for Spain, that was seen at Estaca de Bares area.
A Coruña. On 5.10 a bird was seen at Porto de Bares, A Coruña (Antonio Martínez Pernas).Seen later too (Ricardo Hevia). 4th for Galicia. This bird presents characters of the SIBERIAN LESSER WHITETHROAT Sylvia curruca blythi which would be a 1ST FOR SPAIN. Martin Gottschling pointed out the bird being a probable Central Asian Lesser Whitethroat according to its brown crown and nape as well as white throat compared with tinged underparts, its short primary projection with narrow spaceing.
Gran Canaria. On 14.11 a 1w was found at Estanques de Aldea Blanca, San Bartolome de Tirajana, Gran Canaria (Miguel Avelino Suarez, Francisco Guerra,Pepi Simba, Liberto). 2nd for the Canary Islands, 4 records in mainland Spain until 2012. It had been seen before on 4.11 (José García Monzón). Seen again on 21.11 (Yeray Seminario; Miguel Avelino Suarez, Francisco Guerra, Pepi Simba). Still there on 26-27.11 (Lee Greagory), and 28.11 (Miguel Avelino Suarez, Francisco Guerra, Pepi Simba, Minerva Mansilla, Robin Mawer). The 1w found on 2.11 at Estanques de Aldea Blanca, San Bartolome de Tirajana, Gran Canaria was seen again on 12.12 (Miguel Avelino Suarez,Francisco Guerra,Pepi Simba,Merchi y Paqui del Rosario). Still present on 21.12 (Yeray Seminario).
Rarest of the rare contest is back again! In its 6th year in-a-row edition, you'll find enclosed below a selection of of perhaps the rarest sightings obtained in the country during 2015 chosen by the webmaster of Rarebirdspain.net according to scarcity or singularity of the record.
This year, Rare Birds in Spain, in its 15 year-in-a-row online period has published until 24th December 2015 news on 933 national rarity sightings and has published 501 large (720 pixels wide) original photos, 8 videos and 368 small sized (thumbnails) supporting photos kindly sent by the authors. Another major step towards a better understanding of the occurrence of rare birds in Spain. It therefore has not been easy to choose a selection of the rarest birds recorded amongst those 933 records and 877 media received, but once again the rarest of the rare is below and it's up to you choose which will be.
There might be more species such as the unknown origin Demoiselle Crane present at Extremadura this winter or the two Snow Geese at Gijón, perhaps granting for full acceptance into A category if this record considered together with others in Europe and the amount recorded in E USA. Many other gulls or warblers too. But some line has to be established and within this 11 species list I'm sure there's room to find the rarest of the rare 2015.
Please vote the poll (right side of the blog) to see which species sighting can be considered the rarest of the rare 2015!. As in previous editions, winner will be included in the website gif banner in due course. You can choose several choices, not only one, we suggest three is a good number. If interested in the different sightings, follow the links to the original report of the species in the Rare Birds in Spain website. The enclosed species are impressive and they reflect the interest of our area besides the work of all the observers not only to find the species but also to record them carefully for the future. Happy rarest of the rare 2015 and a better 2016 year!
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Number of rarity records per month @ rarebirdspain.net 2015 [Número de rarezas registradas en la web rarebirdspain por mes durante 2015] |
El concurso 'El más raro de los raros' está de vuelta, como los turrones por navidad. En su 6ª edición consecutiva, se incluye una selección de las citas tal vez más raras que se hayan obtenido en el país durante 2015, elegidas por el webmaster de Rarebirdspain.net de acuerdo a su escasez o singularidad.
Este año, Rare Birds in Spain, en su quinceava temporada consecutiva ha publicado hasta el 24 de Diciembre de 2015 933 citas de rarezas nacionales y ha publicado en las doce páginas del año, sin contar las especiales de fotografía, un total de 501 fotos originales a tamaño grande (de 720 pixeles de ancho), 8 videos y 368 pequeñas fotos de soporte (thumbnails) amablemente enviadas por los autores para la web. Sin duda un paso más para entender mejor la presencia de las aves raras en España. No es de extrañar que haya sido dificil seleccionar las aves más raras observadas entre las 933 citas y los 877 archivos multimedia recibidos, pero una vez más el concurso 'el más raro de los raros' lo teneis más abajo y depende de vuestro voto quien sea el ganador final.
Seguramente se podría hacer una lista más larga, como la de otros años, que incluyesen especies como la grulla damisela de origen desconocido que está en Extremadura este invierno o los dos ánsares nivales de Gijón en Diciembre que tal vez contribuyan a la aceptación de su especie en la lista 'A' si se considera esa cita con el resto de aves presentes en Europa este año y la cantidad de ánsares nivales en el este de los Estados Unidos. También algunas otras gaviotas o paseriformes. Pero por algún sitio hay que cortar y dentro de este grupo de 11 especies estoy seguro que hay suficiente competencia como para encontrar el más raro de los raros 2015.
Por favor, votad en la encuesta (en el lado derecho del blog) para ver qué cita puede ser considerada la más rara de entre las raras de 2015!. Podeis escoger diferentes opciones dado que la elección es muy complicada, (se sugieren tres votos). Si estais interesados en obtener más información de las citas en cuestión podeis seguir los enlaces a las páginas originales de la web Rare Birds in Spain. La selección vuelve a ser impresionante, trae sin duda buenos recuerdos a los involucrados y refleja el interés de nuestra zona y el trabajo de todos los observadores no únicamente para detectar las especies, sino dejar constancia de ellas con excelentes documentos. Feliz raro de los raros 2015 y un mejor año 2016 para todo el mundo!
- C01 Larus thayeri
- C02 Lanius cristatus
- C03 Larus ichthyaetus
- C04 Calidris himantopus
- C05 Sula sula
- C06 Calidris acuminata
- C07 Charadrius mongolus
- C08 Dolichonyx oryzivorus
- C09 Saxicola maurus hemprichii
- C10 Sylvia curruca blythii
- C11 Podylimbus podiceps
- Candidate 01 Larus thayeri (Lugo, January -March 2015)
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Photo: © Toño Salazar, 7.2.2015 |
Candidate in recent years too, 2015 has represented a good oportunity to see 'Ciprana' in adult plumage during its three months staying. A first, and only, for Spain grants the entry in this contest again.
Lugo The returning bird, locally named 'Ciprana' that was seen again as an adult 8w (born on 2007) on 28.12.2014 at Lago, Xove, Lugo was seen again until 4.1.2015 at least (Álvaro Rodríguez Pomares). Still around on 5.1 (Bernat Iglesias) and 10.1, when also seen during the day at San Ciprián, Lugo (David Calleja Marcos & Jose Antonio Arregui ). Still there on 14.1(Marc Gàlvez, Paco Bernáldez) and on 17.1 at Lago, Xove, Lugo (Juan Gómez Escáriz, Javier Cantil). The bird was seen again on 19.01 at Xove, Lago and San Cibrao, Lugo (David Calleja Marcos & Jose Antonio Herrero Fernández), but not on 23.1 (David Calleja).Seen again on 29.1 at San Cibrao, Lugo (Clemente Álvarez Usategui, Eduardo Amengual). In February it was seen again on 1.2 at San Cibrao, Lugo (David Calleja, Ramsés Pérez). The gull was seen again 3.2 at San Ciprián, Lugo (Martin Gottschling), and 7.2 too (Toño Salazar). On 8.2 was first seen at O Torno beach then at San Ciprián/San Cibrao, Lugo harbour (David Calleja, J.Antonio Arregui, Gabriel Martín, Óscar Llama, Asier Aldaur, Jesús Menéndez, Atocha Ramos, Dani Monteagudo, Carla Soaje, Cosme Damián Romay; José Luís Lorenzo). On 14.2 it had moved to Playa do Torno, San Cibrao, Lugo (Carlos Lozano Robledo, Sara Álvarez, Jorge Díaz, Bárbara Manzuoli). Seen again on 15.2 at San Ciprián, Lugo, where relocated (Pablo Gutiérrez, Antonio Gutiérrez) and 20.2 at Playa de San Cibrao, Lugo (Marc Gàlvez, José Guerra). On 22.2 it was seen at Lago, Lugo again (Ferran López, Óscar Llama, David Calleja, José Luis Copete, Alberto Javier Somoza, Rafa Armada, Manolo García Tarrasón, Guillermo Rodríguez, Javier Traín, Juan Sagardía, Xurxo Piñeiro, Jose Portillo, Carlos Martín, Xabi Varela et al). In March it was seen again on 7.3 at San Ciprián, Lugo (Jus Pérez Martín). On 8.3 it was still present at Lago fish-farm, Xove, Lugo (Antonio Gutiérrez Pita, Pablo Gutiérrez Varga, David Calleja Marcos,Antonio Martinez Pernas) and later at foz de río Covo, San Cibrao, Cervo, Lugo (David Calleja Marcos, Jus Pérez Martín y Ricardo Hevia Barcón). Seen again on 15.3 (Luis Gude, David Calleja, Fernando Pereiras, Antonio Gutiérrez, Pablo Gutiérrez) and 21.3 (Luis Gude, David Calleja Marcos, Fernando Pereiras).
- Candidate 02 Lanius cristatus (Tarragona, January - April 2015)
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Photo: © Mariano Cebolla, 12.2.2015 |
First for Spain, this bird found by an English visitor and not relocated during the new year holidays was fortunately seen again 40 days later a fact that allowed many people coming as far as Czech Republic to see it. It also made its appearance on Catalan TV becoming a local celebrity in the area and one of the birds of the year.
A bird was seen at suburban areas of Deltebre, Tarragona, by the river
Ebre, on 6.1 (Iain Hartley). The bird was seen intermitently and was
elusive. Many local birders visited the area until 10.1 without further
relocation of the bird. Read a full account of the sighting with some
record shots in the Rarebirdspain blog here. After 40
days (!) the bird seen at suburban areas of Deltebre, Tarragona, by the
river Ebre, on 31.12.2014 then on 6.1.2015 by single author (Iain
Hartley) had been last reported, it was relocated and seen again on
9.2.2015 (Ricard Gutiérrez, Sergi Sales) when aged as a 1w.
Read the full account of the relocation also in Rarebirdspain blog here.A new account from the initial observer point of view was also published at BirdGuides website here.
- Candidate 03 Larus ichthyaetus (Valencia, Feb-Mar 2015)
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Photo: © Toni Alcocer, 9.2.2015 |
Most probably the returning 2014 bird, a 1st for Spain, granting for an entry in the contest again, after having also taken part in 2014.
Valencia. On 21.3.2014 a 2cy bird was found and photographed, in company of Yellow-legged Gulls Larus michahellis at La Foia, Sollana, P.N Albufera de València, València (Toni Alcocer). Much to the surprise of the author(s), on 9.2.2015 a 2w (3cy) bird, considered perhaps to be the same of 2014, was seen and photographed at Arrossars del rec del Diputat, Alfafar, Parc natural de l'Albufera, València (Bosco Dies, Toni Alcocer, J. Ignacio Dies, Miguel Chardí, Iván Ruíz, Guillermo García, Pedro Marín et al). It was only seen that day. Relocated on 15.2 (Toni Alcocer;J.Portillo, J.Sagardía,C.Martín,X.Piñeiro et al), and on 18.2 (Nacho Castelao). In March,
it was seen again on 2.3 (Pedro Marín) and 7.3 (Grabi de Jesús) to 8.3 (Maria José Valencia, Toni Alcocer, Ferran López, Alberto Somoza, J Luis Copete, Rafa Armada et al). Still present on 14.3 at Marjal de Catarroja, l'Albufera de València (Toni Alcocer)
- Candidate 04 Calidris himantopus (Girona, April 2015)
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Photo: © Víctor Estrada 18.4.2015 |
A single day rarity, 1st for Catalonia and 2nd-3rd for Spain seen only one day of April at Pals ricefields, Girona, much to the discouragement of the tens of people looking for it.
Girona. Much to the surprise of the authors, a bird was found on 18.4 evening at Mas Carles ricefields, Pals, Girona (Joan Estrada Jofra, Víctor Estrada, Montse Jofra). See a photo below and more in the special photopage for this sighting here. Not relocated the following day despite over 20 people search.
- Candidate 05 Sula sula (El Hierro, May 2015)
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Photo: © Marcel Gil 22.5.2015 |
El Hierro. A 2nd cycle bird was seen and photographed on 22.5 at Mar del Las Calmas, La Restinga, El Hierro island, Canary Islands (Marcel Gil, Crístel Reyes, María García & Agustina Schiavi). 3rd for Spain.
- Candidate 06 Calidris acuminata (Valencia, May 2015)
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Photo: © Pedro Marín 31.5.2015 |
A 5th for Spain, again seen by very few people but with good photo evidence.
Valencia. On 11.5 a bird was
found at R.N Tancat de Milia, PN de la Albufera, València (Pedro
Marín). The bird was seen again on 12.5 (Pedro Marín, Miguel Piera) and
13.5 (Pedro Marín, Germán Marín). The bird continued until 15.5 (Y. Maggiotto, P. Hunprey y S. Tepper @birdingalbufera.es). Relocated on 28-29.5.2015 (D.Mons; P.Marín @ birdingalbufera.es; Mariska de Graaf) and 31.5 (Pedro Marín).
- Candidate 07 Charadrius mongolus (Lanzarote, August 2015)
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© David Pérez, 7.8.2015 |
On 7.8 an adult female was found at Salinas de Janubio, Lanzarote,
Canary Islands (F.Javier García Vargas, David Pérez). See a SPECIAL PHOTOPAGE HERE .
- Candidate 08 Dolichonyx oryzivorus (Lanzarote, September-October 2015)
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© Francisco Javier García Vargas 2.10.2015 |
The 2nd for Spain seen also in Lanzarote after some years of the 1st, and by the same observer! Unlike the Lesser Sand Plover, this American passerine vagrant granted opportunities to be twitched by some lucky birders.
Lanzarote. On 30.9 a bird was seen in flight at Puerto del Carmen, Lanzarote (Francisco Javier García Vargas). The following day it was observed properly and photos were taken. See THIS SPECIAL PAGE HERE WITH LOTS OF INFORMATION AND PHOTOS. The bird found on 30.9 was seen and photographed on 1.10 at Puerto del Carmen, Lanzarote (Francisco Javier García Vargas). Later in the day photographed too (David Pérez). Seen again on 2.10 (Francisco Javier García Vargas, Julio Rodríguez, Antonio Unquiles) and 4.10 (Antonio Portales). Still around on 5.10 (Francisco Javier García Vargas, Carlos Moreno, Gustavo Tejera).
- Candidate 09 Saxicola maurus hemprichii (La Graciosa, October 2015)
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© Antonio Portales 22.10.2015 |
The 2nd for Spain was seen far from the 1st (Ebre Delta, Tarragona) but well documented too. It stayed two days and twitching attempts two days later were unfortunately unsuccessful.
La Graciosa.
From 22-23.10 the 2nd for Spain and 1st for the Canaries was at La
Graciosa, Lanzarote, Canary Islands. (Antonio Portales). Attempts to relocated the bird on 25.10 were unsuccessful.
- Candidate 10 Sylvia curruca blythii (A Coruña, October 2015)
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© Antonio Martínez Pernas 5.10.2015 |
Four Lesser Whitethroats were reported in October 2015 but this was the 1st to match the characters of the Siberian ssp blythi, a 1st for Spain, that was seen at Estaca de Bares area.
A Coruña. On 5.10 a bird was seen at Porto de Bares, A Coruña (Antonio Martínez Pernas).Seen later too (Ricardo Hevia). 4th for Galicia. This bird presents characters of the SIBERIAN LESSER WHITETHROAT Sylvia curruca blythi which would be a 1ST FOR SPAIN. Martin Gottschling pointed out the bird being a probable Central Asian Lesser Whitethroat according to its brown crown and nape as well as white throat compared with tinged underparts, its short primary projection with narrow spaceing.
- Candidate 11 Podylimbus podiceps (Gran Canaria, November-December 2015)
The 2nd for the Canary islands was found at some ponds at San Bartolomé de Tirajana, Gran Canaria
Gran Canaria. On 14.11 a 1w was found at Estanques de Aldea Blanca, San Bartolome de Tirajana, Gran Canaria (Miguel Avelino Suarez, Francisco Guerra,Pepi Simba, Liberto). 2nd for the Canary Islands, 4 records in mainland Spain until 2012. It had been seen before on 4.11 (José García Monzón). Seen again on 21.11 (Yeray Seminario; Miguel Avelino Suarez, Francisco Guerra, Pepi Simba). Still there on 26-27.11 (Lee Greagory), and 28.11 (Miguel Avelino Suarez, Francisco Guerra, Pepi Simba, Minerva Mansilla, Robin Mawer). The 1w found on 2.11 at Estanques de Aldea Blanca, San Bartolome de Tirajana, Gran Canaria was seen again on 12.12 (Miguel Avelino Suarez,Francisco Guerra,Pepi Simba,Merchi y Paqui del Rosario). Still present on 21.12 (Yeray Seminario).