Common Yellowthroat Geothlypis trichas 'Rarest of the Rare' 2014

The record of a male Common Yellowthroat in Trebujena,Cádiz on 19.9.2014 afternoon by Juan de Dios Andrade has won the poll 'Rarest of the Rare 2014' in Spain, with 72 votes, 52% of the total.

137 votes have been collected and this American vagrant has beaten 2nd classified, the Girona December 2014 Pygmy Cormorant, also a 1st for Spain (29 votes, 21%) and the 3rd, the Fuerteventura Abyssinian Roller from June with 21 votes, 15%.

Details of the original observation as reported in the website are repeated below. All three podium species have been 1sts for the country. Congratulations and thanks for voting.


Mascarita común, 'la más rara de las raras 2014'. La cita del macho de Mascarita común en Trebujena, Cádiz, el 19.9.2014 (Juan de Dios Andrade) ha ganado la encuesta 'El más raro de los raros 20140, con 72 votos, el 52% del total.

Se han recogido un total de 137 votos y este divagante americano, primera cita para España, ha quedado por delante del segundo, el cormorán pigmeo observado en Girona en diciembre de 2014 (29 votos, 21%) así como del tercero, la carraca abisínica de Fuerteventura de junio, que obtuvo 21 votos, un 15%.

Se incluyen los detalles de la observación original tal y como aparece en la web. Los tres 'podiums' son primeras citas para el país. Felicidades y gracias por votar.


Common Yellowthroat Geothlypis trichas (September, Cádiz)
One of the 'blockers' of the year, this 1st for Spain was only seen by a lucky photographer that thought it was something exotic. Once broadcasted the news, efforts to relocate the bird were not successful. Coming from America, the Yellowthroat was a 1st for Spain too.

Common Yellowthroat Geothlypis trichas 
(1) Cádiz . A male has been photographed at Trebujena, Cádiz, Andalusia, on 19.9 afternoon (Juandie Andrades Moreno). The bird was near the Guadalquivir river mouth and was photographed while waiting for a Kingfisher. The exact location of the site is here (opens in another window). See a photo below.

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