Rarest of the Rare 2014

Rarest of the rare contest is back again! In its 5th year in-a-row edition, you'll find enclosed below a selection of of perhaps the rarest sightings obtained in the country during 2014 chosen by the webmaster of Rarebirdspain.net according to scarcity or singularity of the record. 

This year, Rare Birds in Spain, in its 14 year-in-a-row has published until 26th December 2014 news on 978 national rarity sightings and has published 427 large (720 pixels wide) original photos, 16 videos and 414 small sized (thumbnails) supporting photos kindly sent by the authors. A major step towards a better understanding of the occurrence of rare birds in Spain. It therefore has not been easy to choose a selection of the rarest birds recorded amongst those 978 records and 857 media received, but once again the rarest of the rare is below and it's up to you choose which will be.

Please vote  the poll (right side of the blog) to see which species sighting can be considered the rarest of the rare 2014!. As in previous editions, winner will be included in the website gif banner. You can choose several choices, not only one, we suggest three is a good number. If interested in the different sightings, follow the links to the original report of the species in the Rare Birds in Spain website. The enclosed species are impressive and they reflect the interest of our area besides the work of all the observers not only to find the species but also to record them carefully for the future. Happy rarest of the rare 2014 and a better 2015 year!


El concurso 'El más raro de los raros' está de vuelta, como los turrones por navidad. En su 5ª edición consecutiva, se incluye una selección de las citas tal vez más raras que se hayan obtenido en el país durante 2014, elegidas por el webmaster de Rarebirdspain.net de acuerdo a su escasez o singularidad. 

Este año, Rare Birds in Spain, en su temporada catorceava seguida ha publicado hasta el 26 de Diciembre de 2014 978 citas de rarezas nacionales y ha publicado en las 12 páginas del año, sin contar las especiales de fotografía, un total de 427 fotos originales a tamaño grande (de 720 pixeles de ancho), 16 videos y 414 pequeñas fotos de soporte (thumbnails) amablemente enviadas por los autores para la web. Sin duda un paso más para entender mejor la presnecia de las aves raras en España. No es de extrañar que haya sido dificil seleccionar las aves más raras observadas entre las 978 citas y los 857 archivos multimedia recibidos, pero una vez más el concurso 'el más raro de los raros' lo teneis más abajo y depende de vuestro voto quien sea el ganador final.

Por favor, votad en la encuesta (en el lado derecho del blog) para ver qué cita puede ser considerada la más rara de entre las raras de 2014!. Podeis escoger diferentes opciones dado que la elección es muy complicada, (se sugieren tres votos). Si estais interesados en obtener más información de las citas en cuestión podeis seguir los enlaces a las páginas originales de la web Rare Birds in Spain. La selección es impresionante y refleja el interés de nuestra zona y el trabajo de todos los observadores no únicamente para detectar las especies sino dejar constancia de ellas con excelentes documentos. Feliz raro de los raros 2014 y un mejor año 2015 para todo el mundo!

  • C1. Red-necked Grebe Podiceps grisegena (January, Cantabria)
  • C2. Sandhill Crane Grus canadensis (February, Zaragoza)
  • C3. Ross's Gull Rhodostethia rosea (February, Pontevedra)
  • C4. Grey-headed Gull Chroicocephalus cirrocephalus (March, Madrid)
  • C5. Pallas's Gull Larus ichthyaetus (March, Valencia)
  • C6. Kelp Gull Larus dominicanus (April, Bizkaia)
  • C7. Masked Shrike Lanius nubicus (April, Navarra)
  • C8. Pacific Swift Apus pacificus (May, A Coruña)
  • C9. Saharan Olivaceous Warbler Iduna pallida reiseri (June, Fuerteventura)
  • C10. Abyssinian Roller Coracias abyssinicus (June, Fuerteventura)
  • C11. Sharp-tailed Sandpiper Calidris acuminata (September, Asturias)
  • C12. Common Yellowthroat Geothlypis trichas (September Cádiz)
  • C13. Eastern Imperial Eagle Aquila heliaca (October, Huesca)
  • C14. Killdeer Charadrius vociferus (November, Pontevedra)
  • C15. American Robin Turdus migratorius (November, Granada)
  • C16. Blyth's Reed Warbler Acrocephalus dumetorum (November, Barcelona)
  • C17. Pygmy Cormorant Phalacrocorax pygmeus (December, Girona)

  • C1. Red-necked Grebe Podiceps grisegena (January, Cantabria)

Photo: © Delfín González, 9.1.2014

Species back into the rarities list from 1 January 2014, this was the 1st record (and indeed only record) of the species reported in the website during 2014. A true rarity indeed.

Red-necked Grebe Podiceps grisegena 
(1) Cantabria . The bird coming from december 2013 was still present at Santoña marshes, Cantabria, on 4.1 (Delfín González et al). See a photo below and thumbnail here. The bird was still there on 5.1 (Alejandro García Herrera, Montse Gorría, Jorge Nubla, Óscar Carazo y Luis Torralbo). The bird was seen again on 9.1 (Delfín González),

  • C2. Sandhill Crane Grus canadensis (February, Zaragoza)
Perhaps a returning bird that had overwintered somewhere in C or S Spain and now going  back North and recorded  (again) at Gallocanta by late February. If the same returning bird, a 1st for the country. Anyway, a true rarity and an exciting record that attracted visitors from abroad.

Sandhill Crane Grus canadensis
(1) Zaragoza. On 25.2 one bird was found at ind Gallocanta lagoon, near Las Cuerlas petrol station (Felipe Rosado, Luis Salguero, Demetrio Vidal). The following day 26.2 it was relocated and a photo was taken (José Portillo, Ferran López, Rafa Armada). See a photo below (Ferran López). nLack of migration and N wind possibly caused that the Crane rested in the lagoon at least until 28.2, despite it was not searched for. It was probably the same bird seen in previous years (Felipe Rosado). See more photos below and thumbnails here (Felipe Rosado)

Photo: © Felipe Rosado, 26.2.2014

  • C3. Ross's Gull Rhodostethia rosea (February, Pontevedra)
The 4th for Spain that attracted many observers from abroad and gave good photo opportunities.

Ross's Gull Rhodostethia rosea
(1) Pontevedra There was a 1w on 7.2 at Pontevedra harbour, at As Corvaceiras by the mouth of river Gafos, Galicia. Initially found by A.F. Cordeiro A. Barqueiro Alonso and Juan Carlos Epifanio, who photographed the bird (see below), it is identified as Ross by Ricardo Hevia. Seen again by over 20 birdwatchers on 8.2.when featured in the local press ( Ricardo Hevia, José Ramón Gómez, Juan Carlos Epifanio, Juan Gómez, Samuel Paz, Pablo Gutiérrez, David Martínez Lago, Antonio Sandoval, Miguel Maestro, Atocha Ramos, Alexia del Rio, Manuel Xestoso, Cristina Álvarez, Daniel Monteagudo, Carlos Luciarte, Adolfo Lomeña, Tito Salvadores, Rafael Salvadores, César Vidal, Stefán Áki Ragnarsson, José Álvarez, Pablo Sanmartín, José Luís Lorenzo, Antonio Fontoira, José, Carla y Cosme Damián Romay). See photos below and thumbnails here. Also present on 9.2 (Xabier Vázquez Pumariño).The bird was relocated on 13.2 at Lagares river mouth, A Calzoa beach, Vigo (Marcos Prada), where it was photographed (see a thumbnail here). On 14.2 it was still there (José Ramón Gómez & José Luis Lorenzo "Colón"; Luís José Salaverri). Seen again on 15.2 (Luis Mario Arce; Juan Sagardia et al, see photos and video below) and 16.2 (over 14 authors, C.D.Romay in litt.). Further sightings during the next week: 17.2 (David R. Vieites), 18.2 (Luis Álvarez), 19.2 (Juan Pita-Romero), 21.2 (Alex Colorado, José Portillo, Luis J. Salaverri, Gorka Ocio et al) and 22.2 (Graciela Fernández, Manoel Carregal). Still present in the last February week: 26.2, Xunqueira de Lagares, Vigo, Pontevedra (José Álvarez Gándara) and 27.2 when flushed by dogs (José Ramón Sánchez Bugallo). The 1w remained there on 1.3 (Karmelo de Dios). On 11.3 it was still present at Lagares river mouth, Vigo, Pontevedra (David R. Sobreira).

Photo: © Juan Sagardía , 15.2.2014

  • C4. Grey-headed Gull Chroicocephalus cirrocephalus (March, Madrid)
The 4th for Spain produced stunning images while present at a dump at Madrid on March, really demonstrating that rare birds can turn up elsewhere. 

Grey-headed Gull Chroicocephalus cirrocephalus 
(1) Madrid On 23.3 there was an adult at Pinto dump, Madrid, within a large group of gulls. See photos below and thumbnails here (Juan M. Ruiz).The bird was relocated at the same restriced access dump on 28.3 (Javier Marchamalo) and 29.3 (Miguel Juan Martinez, Mercedes Fernández Lamadrid, Delfín González). See a new photo below and an SPECIAL PHOTOPAGE HERE.

Photo: © Delfín González, 29.3.2014

  • C5. Pallas's Gull Larus ichthyaetus (March, Valencia)
One of the 1st for Spain of the year, the much awaited Great Black-headed or Pallas's Gull that, as expected, arrived to the Mediterranean shores, in this case of Valencia where it was present for a couple of days.

Great Black-Headed (Pallas's) Gull Larus ichthyaetus 
(1) Valencia. On 21.3 a 2cy bird was found and photographed, in company of Yellow-legged Gulls Larus michahellis at La Foia, Sollana, P.N Albufera de València, València (Toni Alcocer). On 22.3 morning it was still present. See four photos below (Toni Alcocer).Seen later by more authors (Xurxo Piñeiro, Alex Alamán,Jana Marco,J.Miguel Aguilar,Fran Lloris et al) but not on 23.3.

Photo: © Toni Alcocer, 21.3.2014

  • C6. Kelp Gull Larus dominicanus (April, Bizkaia)
The 2nd for Spain. Only seen for a single day at Ondarroa 'gull harbour', famous for its many interesting sightings and thanks to the work of a single observer.

Kelp Gull Larus dominicanus 
(1) Bizkaia . On 21.4 a subadult was photographed at Ondarroa, Bizkaia. (Juan Carlos Andrés). See photos below. Not relocated in the following days. See more information at Juankar blog here

Photo: © Juan Carlos Andrés, 21.4.2014

  • C7. Masked Shrike Lanius nubicus (April, Navarra)

The 3rd for Spain was a bird that was seen by many birders despite its short staying at Navarra. A much welcome April sighting.

Masked Shrike Lanius nubicus
(1) Navarra . On 12.4 a bird was found near Santaclara, at Mélida, Navarra (Miguel Angel Lopez de Armentia). The bird was relocated on 13.4 morning,when photographed (Ricardo Rodríguez, Miguel Grande y Juan Carlos Lorenzo). See photos below. Once relocated, news were broadcasted and at least 19 observers could see the bird (José Portillo, Javier Train, Juan Carlos Albero, José Ardaiz, Grabi De Jesus, Anna Mallol. Haritz Sarasa, Clemente Álvarez, Jesús Ucha, Emilio Salvatierra, Gorka Gorospe et al). See another photo and video below. And a 2nd video too.

  Photo: © Ricardo Rodríguez, 13.4.2014
  • C8. Pacific Swift Apus pacificus (May, A Coruña)
7th candidate is this Pacific Swift sighting that, if accepted, it could become another 1st for Spain, seen again at Galicia by a single author, skilled  enough to take a photo of the bird in flight.

Pacific Swift Apus pacificus (1) A Coruña . On 25.5 one was seen and photographed at A Frouxeira lagoon, Valdoviño, A Coruña (Xabier Prieto, José Luís Lorenzo). See more in Spanish in Xabier Prieto blog here and the photo below (Xabier Prieto).

  Photo: © Xabier Prieto, 25.5.2014
  • C9. Saharan Olivaceous Warbler Iduna pallida reiseri (June, Fuerteventura)
Yet another 1st sighting in the country of a very interesting form of warbler, the African Olivaceus which is not opaca but pallida reiseri.

Saharan Olivaceus Warbler Iduna pallida reiseri
(1) Fuerteventura. On 14.6 one individual was seen and photographed at Barranco de la Torre, Fuerteventura (Juan Sagardía). See two photos below.

Photo: © Juan Sagardía, 14.6.2014

    • C10. Abyssinian Roller Coracias abyssinicus (June, Fuerteventura)
    An unexpected but much welcome 1st for Spain coming from the Canary Islands, yet another WP scarcity recorded during June which lasted enough tobring some observers from outside the island.

    Abyssinian Roller Coracias abyssinicus 
    (1) Fuerteventura. On 9.6 visiting birdwatcher Alain Pataud found an adult at Barranco de la Torre, Fuerteventura. He took photos and contacted both SEO/BirdLife at the Canaries and this website. On 11.6, before leaving the island, he took photos again and the record was fully confirmed (Alain Pataud). Same day it was seen by local observer Marcelo Cabrera too. On 13.6 the bird remained in the area (F.Javier García Vargas, Antonio Unquiles, Juan Sagardía). Read about the finding in Spanish in Aves Canarias blog here. And see the special photopage with Alain Pataud photos in Rare Birds in Spain website here. Bird shy, behaving wild and with no traces or signs of captivity hence considered a wild vagrant. Local collections and zoos are however being contacted in the event of any escape. See four more photos from Francisco Javier García Vargas below. Last seen on 16.6 (David Pérez). Read more in his blog in Spanish here and see new photos below.

    Photo: © Francisco Javier García Vargas , 13.6.2014

    •  C11. Sharp-tailed Sandpiper Calidris acuminata (September, Asturias)

    A bird only seen one day and identified thanks to the photos of the author. A 4th for Spain in the Atlantic coast.

    Sharp-tailed Sandpiper Calidris acuminata
    (1) Asturias. One bird was photographed on 14.9 at El Cierrón, Ría de Villaviciosa, Asturias (Miguel Puente). Initially taken by Pectoral Sandpiper, once photos were included in author's blog here, its ID became quickly stated. Despite some attempts, the bird was not relocated.

    Photo: © Miguel Puente, 14.9.2014

    • C12. Common Yellowthroat Geothlypis trichas (September, Cádiz)

    One of the 'blockers' of the year, this 1st for Spain was only seen by a lucky photographer that thought it was something exotic. Once broadcasted the news, efforts to relocate the bird were not successful. Coming from America, the Yellowthroat was a 1st for Spain too.

    Common Yellowthroat Geothlypis trichas 
    (1) Cádiz . A male has been photographed at Trebujena, Cádiz, Andalusia, on 19.9 afternoon (Juandie Andrades Moreno). The bird was near the Guadalquivir river mouth and was photographed while waiting for a Kingfisher. The exact location of the site is here (opens in another window). See a photo below.

    Photo: © Juandi Andrade, 20.9.2014

    •  C13. Eastern Imperial Eagle Aquila heliaca (October, Huesca)
    The 12th candidate is also another awaited species to return to the country after a single previous record of a ringed corpse. In this case this 2nd for Spain was seen also.. by nobody but an automatic recording camera!.

    Eastern Imperial Eagle Aquila heliaca
    (1) Huesca. On 18.10 a 1w was videocaptured near Villanúa, Huesca (Jose Antonio Sesé/Gobierno de Aragón). See a photo below and thumbnails here. This is the 2nd record for Spain. Read a full account in Spanish on the record, bird origin and identification in the Rocín blog here. The bird had been ringed by Jozef Chavko at Stará Lehota, Nové Mesto nad Váhom, Slovakia on 27.6.2014. It was carrying ring SK 145 and reached Huesca at 1583 km distance. See more on this in Spanish in the Rocín blog too.

    Photo: © Jose Antonio Sesé/Gobierno de Aragón, 18.10.2014

    • C14. Killdeer Charadrius vociferus (November, Pontevedra)
    The 5th Killdeer for Spain reached Pontevedra in November and lasted for a couple of days giving good views to the observers that went to see it.

    Killdeer Charadrius vociferus
    (1) Pontevedra. On 13.11 a bird was found at Cabo Udra, Bueu, Pontevedra (José Ramón Gómez; Stefán Áki Ragnarsson, Tito Salvadores, D.González, David Díaz Seoana; Juan Gómez Escariz, Manuel Xestoso). See photos and a video below and thumbnails here. Also many more photos on Aves y Fotografía de Naturaleza blog here. On 14.11 it was still present (Fernando Pereiras, Xosé Manouel Carregal; David R.Sobreira; David Monticelli, José A. Gándara, Juan G.Escariz, José L.Lorenzo, Carlos Luciarte, A. Lomeña, José Ramón Gómez)

    Photo: © José Ramón Gómez, 13.11.2014

    • C15. American Robin Turdus migratorius (November, Granada)
    November still brought more surprises. One of the biggest was this smartphone shot of an American Robin, a 2nd for Spain if accepted, well out of regular rarity-birding sites: Granada.

    American Robin Turdus migratorius (1) Granada . One bird was photographed at 9:15h of 25.11 at Fuente Nueva park, Granada city (Alberto Fernández Honrubia). See a thumbnail obtained with a mobile cellular here. The single observer reported the bird and send a file with details to the Rarities Commitee too. Despite search it was never seen again.

    Photo: © Alberto Fernández Honrubia, 25.11.2014

    • C16. Blyth's Reed Warbler Acrocephalus dumetorum (November, Barcelona)
    Dream-bird for those wetland ringers that trap hundreds (or more) Reed Warblers A.scirpaceus, this in-hand ringed bird at Llobregat delta was only the 3rd for Spain

    Blyth's Reed Warbler Acrocephalus dumetorum
    (1) Barcelona . A bird was trapped and ringed at Filipines marsh, Remolar-Filipines Nature Reserve, Viladecans, Llobregat Delta, Barcelona (Joan Castelló, Christoph Weinrich, Joao Pereira i Cristiana I. Marques). See two photos and thumbnails here.

    Photo: © Joan Castelló, 9.11.2014

    •  C17. Pygmy Cormorant Phalacrocorax pygmeus (December, Girona)
    And the last candidate for 2014 was another 1st for Spain coming from December at PN Aiguamolls de l'Empordà, in certain relationship with recent records in S France, where also considered a rarity, one or another day one had to arrive. And that day came this year.

    Pygmy Cormorant Phalacrocorax pygmeus
    (1) Girona. An adult was found at La Massona, PN Aiguamolls de l'Empordà, Girona on 13.12 (Gerard Dalmau, Elisabet Tetas). Seen later by more authors and photographed (e.g. see below, Quim Martínez). On 14.12 it rested in the area where seen intermitently (José Portillo, José Gómez Aparicio, Toni Alonso, Dani Roca, Àlex Ollé, Grabi de Jesús, Joan Goy; Ferran López). See more photos and more information in the Special photopage here!. The bird remained the following week until 19.12 at least (Ponç Feliu, Joan Goy, Manel Barrios, Oriol Clarabuch, Ferran López, Eikel Delgado, Sergio Romero, Miquel Bonet, Joan Ventura, Carles Llopis; Mario Alonso) and 20.12 (Vittorio Pedrocchi) to the end of the month.

    Photo: © Quim Martínez, 13.12.2014

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