Tricoloured Heron now at Tenerife [Garceta tricolor ahora en Tenerife]

Presumably the same Tricoloured Heron featured in this blog and other websites as present in Gran Canaria island last November – December 2007, was seen again in late January and until 2.2.2008 at least at Playa de las Américas, Tenerife as shown in the website

According to local observer Juan Antonio Lorenzo, coauthor of the Birds of the Canary Islands book, the area of playa de las Américas holds a rocky stretch of coast where an overwintering flock of Little Egrets Egretta garzetta regularly forages. The Tricoloured seems to have reached that same area (see map below)

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Local observers will attempt the relocation of this bird. The fact of having been reported for a quite long period gives a certain guarantee of easy relocation, despite the same said some unlucky observers in early December in Gran Canaria when the bird suddenly disappeared.

Resumen. Garceta tricolor en Tenerife. La Garceta tricolor que se había visto en Gran Canaria en Noviembre-Diciembre 2007 ahora está en Playa de las Américas, S Tenerife, junto con un grupo invernante de Garcetas Comunes

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