Rare Birds in Spain. Bird News 1-10 January 2023

Ricard Gutiérrez (editor). Data from eBird, ornitho.cat and Rarebirdspain whatsapp group 


  • 1-10 January 2023

Ducks & Geese

2-7.1.2023 Anser serrirostris The birds coming from Villafáfila lagoon, Zamora, were still there on 2.1 (José Barrueso, Alfonso Rodrigo, photo https://macaulaylibrary.org/asset/519540571), 3.1 (Jose Miguel  San Román, Dani G. Jambrina) and 7.1 (Alejandro Sanz).


2-8.1.2023 Cygnus cygnus The swan coming from 2022 was still at Valdoviño lagoon, A Coruña: 2-3.1 (Daniel García Novo), 4.1 (Daniel García Novo, José Ramón Castro, Sergio Mayordomo),  5.1 (Jose Martin, Jesús Risueño, Daniel Izquierdo, José Maria Paraíso), 7.1 (Diego Montenegro –photo- https://macaulaylibrary.org/asset/521386151 , Ricardo Hevia), 8.1 (Antón Santos,Lois Santos, Ricardo Rojo, Adrián Bartolomé). 

3-5.1.2023 Anas rubripes The drake coming from 2022 was still at Sada, Ría de Betanzos, A Coruña: 3.1 (Sergio Mayordomo), 4.1 (Daniel Izquierdo) and 5.1 (Jose Martin, Francisco Manuel Illanes).

7-8.1.2023 Anas carolinensis a bird was at Lagoa de Valdoviño, A Coruña on 7.1 (Diego Montenegro –photo- https://macaulaylibrary.org/asset/521386311 , Ricardo Hevia) and 8.1(Xabi Varela, Lois Santos, Antón Santos). 


 1-2.1.2023 Mareca americana The bird coming from 2022 was still at Ría de Muros e Noia, A  Coruña: 1.1 (Xavier Parra Cuenca, photo https://macaulaylibrary.org/asset/519030401) and 2.1 (Roberto Figueiras)

3-8.1.2023 Mareca americana a female was at Xunqueira do Lagares, Vigo, Pontevedra 3.1 (Quique Carballal), 7.1 (Nicolás  Magdalena –photo- https://macaulaylibrary.org/asset/521381311 , Manuel Velasco), 8.1 (Manuel Velasco, Marcos Prada) and 9.1 (Manu Álvarez).

2-8.1.2023 Mareca americana The bird coming from 2022 was still at Ría de Muros e Noia, A Coruña: 2.1 (Sergio Mayordomo, Agustín Agra), 3.1 (Xavier Parra; Xabier Vázquez Pumariño), 5.1 (Jose Martin, Daniel Izquierdo), 6.1 (Ignacio Aparicio, Agustín Agra), 8.1 (Taylor Abbott, photo https://macaulaylibrary.org/asset/5217004711


2-7.1.2023 Aythya affinis The male and female reported in 2022 remained at Traba lagoon, Traba, A Coruña on 2.1 (Xabier Vázquez Pumariño), 3.1 (Xavier Parra; Sergio Mayordomo) and 7.1 (Vanesa Sotelo).

3.1.2023 Aythya affinis A female coming from 2022 remained at Tarelo lagoon, Doñana, Cádiz (David Santamaría; Andrés  Rojas; Rafael García).

3-10.1.2023 Aythya affinis The drake coming from 2022 remained at Embalse de los Molinos, Fuerteventura, Canary islands: 3.1 (Codrin Bucur, photo https://macaulaylibrary.org/asset/520087081 , Magdalena Nogaj), 6.1 (Haydn Fox ), 8.1 (Eliseo Reyes), 9.1 (Micha Arved Neumann) and 10.1 (Juan Lorente Rejano).

9-10.1.2023 Aythya affinis The female coming from 2022 was still at Encoro de Cecebre, A Coruña: 9.1 (Amadeo Antonio Pombo Eiri), 10.1 (Pablo Lado).

9.1.2023 Aythya affinis A bird was reported at Rural Park Betancuria, Puerto del Rosario, Fuerteventura, Canary Is (Andrea Janzen)

7.1.2023 Aythya affinis A bird found in 2022 remained at Costa Ballena, Cádiz (Paco Chiclana)





1-6.1.2023 Pluvialis fulva 1 ad still at Sant Jaume d’Enveja ricefields, Delta de l’Ebre, Montsià, Tarragona at least from 1.1 (Marcel Gil; Harold Wijts) to 5.1: 2.1 (Marcel Gil, Alexis Bukowski , Ramón Ruiz), 5.1 (José Alberto Fernández Ugarte, Iker Fernández Martínez) and 6.1 (Bernat Garcia Espluga).

1-3.1.2023 Vanellus gregarius 1 ind coming from late December still present in early 2023 at Poble Nou ricefields, Amposta, Delta de l’Ebre, Montsià, Tarragona: 1.1 (Ramón Ruiz; Jaume Albaigés, Manolo Sánchez-Blanch; Javier Subirats), 2.1 (Marcel Gil, Alexis Bukowski; Jordi Jover; Marc Noguera), 3.1 (Sergi Sales, Carles Oliver; Miguel Àngel Lucena, Sandra López, Joan Gimestells, Oriol Clarabuch).

10.1.2023 Vanellus gregarius A bird was seen at Corral Rubio, Laguna Hoya del Monte, Albacete (Sergio Arroyo-Morcillo; José Antonio Cañizares, Esther Jimena, Manolo Salas).

5-7.1.2023 Limnodromus scolopaceus On 5.1 a bird was found at Sant Jaume d’Enveja ricefields, Delta de l’Ebre, Montsià, Tarragona (Marina Sentís; Marcel Gil, Alexis Bukowski; Xavier Parra, photo https://macaulaylibrary.org/asset/520794681 ) , 6.1 (Bernat Garcia), 7.1 (Yuhang Mañé).


7.1.2023 Crecopsis egregia 1 ind found dead, predated, at San Blas, Santa María de Guía, Gran Canaria, Canary Is. (Rafael Amador, photo Alexis Brito).



2-5.1.2023 Buteo rufinus rufinus The wintering bird at Font de Queralt, Plans de Sió, Segarra, Lleida, was seen again on 2.1 and into January: 2.1 (Aitor Mora, Carlos Perallon), 5.1 (Quim Minoves).

7.1.2023 Gyps africanus  an immature was seen at Castillo de Casares, Málaga (Daniel Ramos,  Andrés Rojas) https://macaulaylibrary.org/asset/521301361


10.1.2023 Clanga pomarina An adult, perhaps hybrid clanga x pomarina was seen at Véjer de la Fontera, Cádiz (Jouni Rautanen, Kari Korhonen, Ilkka Iivonen).



1-10.1.2023 Sula leucogaster An immature was seen around Guadalhorce river mouth, Málaga. First reported from Rio del Padron, Málaga (Anders Kvalvåg Wollan), then from 6.1 at Guadalhorce river mouth (Juan Ramírez, sketch https://macaulaylibrary.org/asset/520928971 , Antonio-Román Muñoz; Geoff Morgan; Isabel Gómez Carrasco), 8.1 (Ignacio Barrionuevo), 9.1 (Armando Molina, Miguel Juan) and 10.1 (Ignacio Barrionuevo, Javier Escobedo, José A. Campos).

4.1.2023 Sula leucogaster An immature bird was seen from  Armintza, Bizkaia (Jon Hidalgo Mugica)

2-9.1.2023 Chroicocephalus philadelphia An adult coming from 2022 remained at Carnota, A Coruña: 2.1 (Sergio Mayordomo, photo https://macaulaylibrary.org/asset/523012911 ), 4.1 (Agustín Agra), 9.1 (Xabi Varela) 

9.1.2023 Chroicocephalus philadelphia the adult coming from late December remained at  Caleta de Velez, Málaga (Blas López, photo https://macaulaylibrary.org/asset/522281191 , Antonio Tamayo, Francisco Botella ‘Quirry’) .



5.1.2023 Corvus cornix a bird seen previously in the island was at Las Palmas de Gran Canaria marina (Ayoze Rodríguez).

 6.1.2023 Corvus cornix a bird was seen at Campiña de Medina Sidonia, Cádiz (Miguel Campos)

1-8.1.2023 Tarsiger cyanurus The bird coming from 2022 was still present at Sasa del Abadiado, Huesca: 1.1 (Jorge Lardiés, Mingo Tardós, Francisco Javier Quesada), 2.1 (Silvia Duque, Daniel Lázaro, Rocío Sus, Juan Carlos Albero, video https://macaulaylibrary.org/asset/519893841 , Juanan Novales, Juan Luis Muñoz, Esther Yera, Jose M. Canudo, Jorge Lardiés), 3.1 (Maria Berna, Lourdes Hernández), 4.1 (Esther Yera , Juan Carlos Albero), 5.1 (Iker Fernández Martínez, José Alberto Fernández Ugarte), 6.1 (Jorge Hernández, Jorge Lardiés, Aitor Mora, David Ardanuy, Alberto Gasquet), 7.1 (Julen Santa Cristina, Jorge Lardiés, Silvia Roy, F.Javier Quesada, Rocío Sus), 8.1 (Jorge Lardiés; Xavier Parra; Juan Carlos Albero)

4-10.1.2023 Tarsiger cyanurus On 4.1 a 1w/f bird was found at El Sahuco, Albacete (Miguel de los Santos García Felipe, Manuel Blázquez). Seen again on 5.1 (Susana Noguera, photo https://macaulaylibrary.org/asset/522534971 , Raúl Galindo, Antonia Zamora, Lucas De las Heras, Victoria Gomez), 7.1 (Carmen Álvarez, David Cañizares, Maria Jose Valencia, José Antonio Cañizares; Ramón Ruiz) and 10.1 (Manolo Salas).

3-10.1.2023 Oenanthe deserti  The bird at Cabo de  Gata, Almería, coming from 2022 was seen again on 3.1 (Raimundo Martin) , 5.1 (Manuel Sánchez, photo https://macaulaylibrary.org/asset/520593501 ), and 10.1 (David CH,  Simón RC)

3.1. 2023 Oenanthe isabellina 1 ind Faro del Tostón, Fuerteventura, Canary Islands (Nicholas Turner)

 1-9.1.2023 Phylloscopus humei The bird found in late December at Parc del Laberint, Barcelona remained there in January: 1.1 (Daniel Puig, Narcís Puig, Sergi Sales, Núria Rodríguez, Daniel Bonnici; Jesús Foncuberta, Toni Fernández), 2.1 (Jaume Campderròs, Ramon Grimalt; Ricard Gutiérrez –photo-; Marc Olivé), 3.1 (Pablo Pascual), 4.1 (Javier Ruiz, Carles Leon), 6.1 (Daniel Bonnici, Oriol Palom), 7.1 (Xavier Parra), 8.1 (Bernat Iglesias), 9.1 (Jaume Campderròs)


5-9.1.2023 Phylloscopus humei Another Hume’s Warbler was found at Barcelona at Parc de la Pegaso on 5.1 (Dani sp, Marcos Martín; Karla López) and it was seen the following days: 6.1 (Enric Fontcuberta, Alejandro Sánchez; Ferran Pujol), 7.1 (Xavier Parra, photo https://macaulaylibrary.org/asset/521399141, Greg McIvor; Andreu Duclau; Joan Cortés), 8.1 (Eva Asensio; Lluís Vilamajó, Juan Miguel Díaz, Nicolás Ordax), 9.1 (Javier Ruiz, Chris Boccia, Quim Minoves), 10.1 (Diego Callau).

2.1.2023 Phylloscopus collybita tristis The bird coming from 2022 was still at Villalonquéjar, Burgos (Pedro Arratíbel)

7.1.2023 Phylloscopus collybita tristis 1 ind La Vidala, Llobregat Delta, Viladecans, Baix Llobregat, Barcelona  (Quique Carballal)

2.1.2023 Phylloscopus collybita tristis 1 ind Ter Vell, Torroella de Montgrí, Baix Empordà. Present previous month (Gerard Dalmau), 5.1 (Xavier Idígora), 8.1 (Guillem Saguer), 10.1 (Miquel Casas).

1.1.2023 Eastern Yellow Wagtail (Motacilla tschutschensis) One was found at Migjorn grassfields, Sant Jaume d’Enveja, Delta de l’Ebre, Montsià, Tarragona on 1.1. (Marcel Gil Velasco). Remained in the area until 8.1 at least: 2.1 (Marcel Gil Velasco; Ramón Ruiz-Jarillo), 3.1 (Carles  Oliver; Eugeni Capella; Vittorio Pedrocchi, Miguel Angel Lucena, Sandra López, Joan Gimestells, Oriol Clarabuch), 4.1 (Eric Mozas, photo https://macaulaylibrary.org/asset/520411321 ; Xavi Escobar, Ferran Pujol, Iván García, Marc Illa, Mireia Lara, Miquel Casas, Dani Mañas ), 5.1 (Xavier Parra, José Alberto Fernández Ugarte, Iker Fernández Martínez; Marc Illa, Daniel Roca ), 6.1 (Marcel Gil Velasco, Marcos Rodriguez, Freddy Rivas, Luna Redondo; Manolo Sánchez-Blanch ), 7.8 (Yuhang Mañé, Arnau Bonan, Ricard Gutiérrez, Bernat Iglesias, Daniel Bonnici, Karla López, Marcos Martin C., Marcel Gil, Martí Franch; Jaume Albaigés ), 8.1 (Enric Pàmies, Aitor Mora, David Ardanuy, Alberto Gasquet et al; Xavier Riera, Nicolás Ordax), 9.1 (Gerard Dalmau).

9.1.2023 Eastern Yellow Wagtail (Motacilla tschutschensis) 1 ind seen and recorded at Banyoles, Pla de l’Estany, Girona (Gerard Dalmau)

4-6.1.2023 Emberiza pusilla The bird coming from 2022 at Soto del Barco, Asturias was seen again on 4.1 (Jose Martin, Daniel Izquierdo) and 6.1 (Sergio Mayordomo, photo https://macaulaylibrary.org/asset/523026511)

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