Grus canadensis, 'Rarest of the Rare' 2013
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© Amigos de Gallocanta 25.2.2013 |
Winner of the Rarest of the Rare 2013, with 37% of the votes was:
[El ganador del más raro de los raros 2013, con el 37% de los votos ha sido:]
Grulla canadiense / Sandhill crane / Grus canadensis
Despite being probably a returning bird with one previous accepted by the Rarities Committee record from 4 November 2011 at Don Benito, Badajoz (Ardeola 60(2): 460-461), and with one further record received from this bird from 2nd January 2012, Sandhill Crane record from 2013 has been considered the rarest sighting and bird from 2013 in Spain. After that winter the bird might have returned the following year when it was twitched by many people unlike in the previous season when it was found on its way north at the strategic stopover site of Gallocanta lagoon, Aragon. For that reason, perhaps, and because of the scarcity of the species in this side of the Atlantic it has been voted as Rarest of the Rare 2013.
[Pese a tratarse probablemente a un ave que volvió a invernar a nuestro país después del ejemplar préviamente acceptado por el Comité de Rarezas del 4 de Noviembre de 2011 en Don Benito, Badajoz (Ardeola 60(2): 460-461) con incluso una cita más recibida sobre este mismo ave el 2 de enero de 2012 y actualmente en estudio por el Comité, la cita de Grulla canadiense ha sido considerada la especie y observación más rara del año 2013 en España. Después de la temporada 2011-2012, tal vez el mismo ejemplar pudiese haber vuelto a invernar y solo fue detectada en su viaje de vuelta al norte, en Gallocanta, Aragón, cuando -esta vez sí- pudo ser observada por diferentes autores. Tal vez por esa razón, y por la escasez de esta especie a este lado del Atlántico, que esta especie ha sido votada mayoritariamente por los lectores de Rarebirdspain blog como la más rara de las raras en 2013.]
C2. Sandhill Crane Grus canadensis FIRST/SECOND FOR SPAIN
A bird on the move, a needle in a haystack, major prize for those who work counting birds, paying attention to all the concentrations of regular species that, sometimes, bring a gem within. José Angel Sánchez and Amigos de Gallocanta contribute with their unique Sandhill Crane in Zaragoza/Teruel. A must see that brought many birders from abroad despite freezing conditions.
Zaragoza . One bird was found on 24.2.2013 on the N edge of the Gallocanta lagoon, Zaragoza/Teruel, near the Information center, near Pico del Hach.
This may
well be the bird present last winter having overwintered elsewhere in S
Spain and now moving north with flocks of cranes resting these days at
Gallocanta, a well known wintering and stopover site for the species. If
considered different would be 2nd for Spain (ed. comment). See photos
below (J.A.Sánchez González). An afternoon attempt to relocate the bird
(last seen at 13:15) has failed due to massive arrival of cranes (35.000
roosting there). Any twitch attempt should be carried out during the
morning. A local told J.Train that that bird might have been there since
20.2 but that report is not 100% confirmed. Relocated on 25.2 afternoon
(José Angel Sánchez, Luis Salguero, Antonio Torrijo y Felipe Rosado;
Javier Train).UTM ED50 30 T X=627328 Y=4537837. Also present on 26.2
(Javier Otal, C.A.Usategui,X.Piñeiro et al; David Bowyer). The
bird presumably left the area northwards on 27.2 with c.78.000 cranes
(Asociación de Amigos de Gallocanta) and it was not seen again. See a special photopage with more photos on this bird: Where it has overwintered?
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C2. Grus canadensis © Amigos de Gallocanta 25.2.2013 |
Second place has been for Asian Desert Warbler Sylvia nana (28% of the votes) and third for Pacific Swift Apus pacificus with 16% of the votes. Interestingly, both these candidates were seen briefly by single observers but that fact has not influenced being high in the list well in advance of other potential first for the country. Congratulations to all contestants!
[El segundo lugar ha sido para la curruca Sylvia nana (28% de los votos) y el tercero para el vencejo del Pacífico Apus pacificus con un 16% de las votaciones. Resulta interesante destacar que ambas citas fueron efectuadas por autores en solitario, pero que ese hecho no ha impedido que ambas candidatas se hayan encaramado al podio final muy por delante de incluso otras potenciales primeras citas para el país. Felicidades a todos los participantes]
The post dealing with the voting for the rarest of the rare included other candidates that were the following ones (as stated previously in this blog).
As in 2011 and 2012 editions, we enclose a selection of perhaps the rarest sightings obtained in the country during 2013 chosen by the webmaster of according to scarcity or singularity of the record. Please vote the poll (right side of the blog) to see which species sighting can be considered the rarest of the rare 2013!. As in previous editions, winner will be included in the website gif banner. You can choose several choices, not only one. If interested in the different sightings, follow the links to the original report of the species in the Rare Birds in Spain website. Happy rarest of the rare 2013 and a better 2014 year!
[El post que tuvo que ver con el voto para el más raro de los raros 2013 fue el siguiente:
Como en las ediciones de 2011 y 2012, se incluyen una selección de las citas tal vez más raras que se hayan obtenido en el país durante 2013, elegidas por el webmaster de de acuerdo a su escasez o singularidad. Por favor, votad en la encuesta (en el lado derecho del blog) para ver qué cita puede ser considerada la más rara de entre las raras de 2013!. Podeis escoger diferentes opciones dado que la elección es complicada. Si estais interesados en obtener más información de las citas en cuestión podeis seguir los enlaces a las páginas originales de la web Rare Birds in Spain. Feliz raro de los raros 2013 y un mejor año 2014 para todo el mundo!
Los candidatos fueron/ Candidates were:
C1. Caspian Stonechat Saxicola maurus variegatus (=hemprichii) FIRST FOR SPAIN
A prize to the constant work in local patches, that was twitched by many people coming from elsewhere during its ten-day staying. Josep Tantull and Roser Solé and Tarragona enter for their Caspian Stonechat, 1st for Spain and perhaps a putative future species split.
Tarragona . On 12-13.1 there was a male at Erms de la Tancada, Delta de l'Ebre, Tarragona (Josep Tantull, Roser Solé). The bird was relocated on 16.1 (Carles Domingo, Jordi Martí-Aledo; Ricard Gutiérrez) when photographed again too. Also present later on the afternoon of 16.1 (Cristian Jensen/Audouin Birding Tours) and 19.1 (Juan Sagardía, Óscar Llama, José Portillo, Josep Tantull, Roser Solé, Vittorio Pedrocchi, Sergi Fernandez, Josep Bujons, Ferran López, Rafael Armada, J.Luis Copete et al). But not on 20.1 perhaps due to strong (up to 120 km/h) winds. See the original photo below, plus more and the full story in a special page here and also thumbnails here. Last seen on 22.1 morning (Gorka Gorospe).
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C1 Saxicola maurus hemprichii © Cristian Jensen/ Audouin Birding Tours 16.1.2013 |
A bird on the move, a needle in a haystack, major prize for those who work counting birds, paying attention to all the concentrations of regular species that, sometimes, bring a gem within. José Angel Sánchez and Amigos de Gallocanta contribute with their unique Sandhill Crane in Zaragoza/Teruel. A must see that brought many birders from abroad despite freezing conditions.
Zaragoza . One bird was found on 24.2.2013 on the N edge of the Gallocanta lagoon, Zaragoza/Teruel, near the Information center, near Pico del Hach.
This may
well be the bird present last winter having overwintered elsewhere in S
Spain and now moving north with flocks of cranes resting these days at
Gallocanta, a well known wintering and stopover site for the species. If
considered different would be 2nd for Spain (ed. comment). See photos
below (J.A.Sánchez González). An afternoon attempt to relocate the bird
(last seen at 13:15) has failed due to massive arrival of cranes (35.000
roosting there). Any twitch attempt should be carried out during the
morning. A local told J.Train that that bird might have been there since
20.2 but that report is not 100% confirmed. Relocated on 25.2 afternoon
(José Angel Sánchez, Luis Salguero, Antonio Torrijo y Felipe Rosado;
Javier Train).UTM ED50 30 T X=627328 Y=4537837. Also present on 26.2
(Javier Otal, C.A.Usategui,X.Piñeiro et al; David Bowyer). The
bird presumably left the area northwards on 27.2 with c.78.000 cranes
(Asociación de Amigos de Gallocanta) and it was not seen again. See a special photopage with more photos on this bird: Where it has overwintered?
C3. North-African Blue Tit Cyanistes teneriffae ultramarinus FIRST FOR MAINLAND SPAIN
Regular works produce sometimes surprises. If a count found a vagrant Crane, this ringing scheme captured the only North-African Bluet Tit for mainland Spain... in Barcelona! Sergio Hernández and Alba Ortega and their Cyanistes teneriffae ultramarinus, another 1st for the country.
One bird was trapped and ringed at Barcelona's Parc de la Ciutadella on
19.2 (Sergio Hernández i Alba Ortega Segalerva) within fieldwork of a
project of the Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona: Local
adaptation and Sexual Selection: personality, plumage coloration and
bird song as models (CGL2009–10652). See photos below and thumbnails here.
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C3. Cyanistes teneriffae ultramarinus Photo above:© Sergio Hernández 19.2.2013 |
C4. Short-billed Dowitcher Limnodromus griseus FIRST FOR SPAIN
Long time this species has been awaited for. Any Dowitcher, not a common finding anyway, has been always checked to rule 'out' griseus. But this was not the case since the 1st proper Short-billed Dowitcher reached Murcia in March, representing the 1st for the country which attracted many visitors as well. Francisco Javier Palacios and Richard Howard enter the draw with this nearctic wader in Murcia.
Murcia A bird was found at Salinas de San Pedro del Pinatar, Murcia on 9.3 (Francisco Javier Palacios García). See photos below and thumbnails here. It was seen again on 10.3 morning (Richard Howard) when it was aged as a 2cy. Also on 10.3 afternoon (Javier Giménez).More photos below. New photo evidence reveals the bird to be 1st Short-billed Dowitcher for Spain. Seen during all week: 13.3 (Rafael Armada); 15.3 (Richard Howard); 16.3 (J.Portillo,X.Piñeiro,C.A.Usategui,J. Otal); 17.3 (Ferran López et al). Still there on 18.3 (Barry Chambers et al; Jus Pérez Martín and Mª José Valencia), 19.3 (Richard Howard) to 23.3 (Jana Marco, Alex Alamán, Guille Mayor, Julio Merayo). See a video from Richard Howard below. On 24.3 (Vittorio Pedrocchi, Bet Pons, Arnau Pedrocchi & Joan Pedrocchi) and 26.3 it was seen again (Morten Rasmussen)
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C4. Limnodromus griseus Photo above:© Richard Howard 10.3.2013 |
C5. Thayer'sGull Larus thayeri FIRST FOR SPAIN
Not a new bird but the individual seen in previous years which returned to the same place in Lugo and contributed to its acceptance by the Rarities Committee and into the Spanish Bird list. Now in adult plumage, this scarcity was a must for many birders from Spain and abroad. Ricado Hevia and Antonio Martinez Pernas bring to the contest their Thayer's Gull at Lugo, a 1st for Spain.
Lugo On 10.3 presumably the bird seen the last winters (but not last winter) was relocated, now as an adult at San Cibrao, Cervo, Lugo (Ricardo Hevia, Antonio Martínez Pernas). Seen again on 11.3 (Pablo Gutiérrez, Luis José Salaverri; Graciela Fernández, Antonio Martinez, Cosme Damián, Fernando Pereiras, Berto Monteagudo, Delfín González et al). See a tremendous collection of photos from Antonio Martínez Pernas in this special photopage . Still there on 12.3 (Rafael Armada et al). Present all week until 17.3. There is a new video below from 11.3 (Delfín González) but many authors visiting the gull locally called 'Cipriana': 13.3 (Jesús Menéndez), 14.3, relocated now at Lago, Cervo, Lugo (Fernando Pereiras et al), 15.3 (present between Lago, Xove and San Ciprao, Cervo both at Lugo (Ricardo Hevia et al), 16.3 (Óscar Llama et al; P.A.Crochet et al; Birdzarre Birders Crew); 17.3 on top of fish farm roofs.Lago,Xove,Lugo (David Calleja, Antonio Sandoval, Antonio Gutiérrez).It was still there on 18.3 (José Portillo, Javier Otal, Xurxo Piñeiro,Carlos Martín); 22.3 at San Ciprián, Lugo (Ricardo Hevia); 23.3 at Lago, Lugo (Graciela Fernández, Luís José Salaverri, JM. Mariño, Manolo Carregal) and 24.3 (David Calleja) to 25.3 (David Calleja; Sergio Paris). On 29.3 it was still there at San Ciprián (David Calleja, José Ardaiz).
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C5. Larus thayeri © Antonio Martínez Pernas |
C6. Red-flanked Bluetail Tarsiger cyanurus SIXTH FOR SPAIN
Once a major rarity, crowd-puller, nowadays with 6 records, watching a bluetail is something still remarkable. Particularly if, like this case, its importance was not realised until later, showing that any rarity can appear elsewhere, even Cuenca! Miguel Ángel Ortega and his Tarsiger cyanurus inland at Cuenca is the 6th candidate to the Rarest of the rare 2013.
Cuenca There was a bird at Villardeolalla. Cuenca, on 17.3. It was photographed by a photographer without realising the importance of the record (Miguel Ángel Ortega). However it has been submitted to the Spanish Rarities Committee (ed.comment).
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C6 Tarsiger cyanurus © Miguel Ángel Ortega 17.3.2013 |
C7. Moussier's Redstart Phoenicurus moussieri EIGHTH FOR SPAIN
With this, 8 Moussier's Redstarts will have reached the country, this one was the northernmost and most obliguing since it was visible for a number of days near a major motorway and previous records of the species had always, or nearly so, been scarce, distant or not so long. Again, a local patch work produced this beauty found on 18 March by José Antonio Latorre at Constantí, Tarragona.
Tarragona . On 18.3.2013, a bird was seen at Constanti, Tarragona (José Antonio Latorre). On 19.3 it was still there (Camilo Albert). Later on 19.3 it was still present (Albert Cama), see a photo below. The bird remained most of the week: 20.3 (J.Bujons, S.Fernández et al); 21.3 (C.Albert et al; Javier Train, Moisés Moreno, Ricard Gutiérrez); 22.3 (Camilo Albert; Óscar Llama, Joan Antó et al) to 23.3 (Juan Sagardía, José Portillo, Joan Ventura, Camil Albert , Miguel Rouco, Gabri de Jesús, Gerard Dalmau, Clemente Álvarez Usategui, Nacho Castelao, Toni Alonso et al). Note: the list was extensive so these are minimum observers. See photos and videos below. Not seen from 25.3 on.
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C7. Phoenicurus moussieri © Ricard Gutiérrez 21.3.2013 |
C8. Song Sparrow Melospiza melodia FIRST FOR SPAIN
Transatlantic vagrant! A nearctic passerine has been always the dream of many observers, particularly those 'working' the NW corner. But this appeared on the S, where it was found by visiting Finns. Place may suggest ship-assistance but it is also one of the 1st places to reach mainland if coming from America, or crossing the Straits on boat. An American Wigeon found nearby adds interest and topic for debate. In the meantime, this major rarity from Karri Kuitunen and colleagues constitutes another 1st for the country and 8th candidate at Cádiz for the Rarest of the Rare.
Cádiz. There was one at Algeciras, Cádiz, on 29.3 (Karri Kuitunen,Totti Toiskallio, Jarmo Pirhonen). Potential 1st for Spain if submitted and accepted, regardless ship-assisted or not. Interestingly, on 31.3 an American Wigeon reached Algeciras on its own too. There is a first picture of the bird here (opens in another window). Despite search the bird was not relocated. See another photo below (Karri Kuitunen).
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C8 Melospiza melodia © Karri Kuitunen 29.3.2013 |
C9. Brown-necked Raven Corvus ruficollis POSSIBLY SHIP-ASSISTED BIRD. 1ST FOR SPAIN
Song Sparrow above might have come on boat but this raven definitely did. But should these 'clever' ravens be always considered as 'thrash' birds or should we start thinking in such intelligent behaviour as something eligible as 'natural vagrancy' too?. In any case, it is the 1st time the species is seen in Spain and Eduard Gràcia Corvus ruficollis at Tarragona is the 9th candidate for the rarest of the rare this year 2013.
Tarragona . A birds was seen and photographed at Vila-Seca, Tarragona, on 11.4 (Eduard Gràcia; Albert Cama; Vittorio Pedrocchi).See two photos below (Vittorio Pedrocchi). Note. This record has been submitted to the CR-SEO/BirdLife and categorisation will be discussed in due course according to the available data.
C10. Horned Lark Eremophila alpestris 5TH FOR SPAIN
Only 5 records in Spain and perhaps this the 2nd to be twitchtable, being the 1st for Catalonia as well, qualifies for being included in the contest. Albert Burgas and Girona takes part in the contest with the Horned Lark.
Girona The first for Catalonia was found at Pla de Gates, Cap de Creus, Girona on 9.5 (Albert Burgas, Janet Fairclough, Ian Robson). On 10.5 it was twitched by many authors (Àlex Ollé, Jordi Martí-Aledo; Gerard Dalmau, Joan Ventura et al). On 11.5 it was still there (Xavier Idígora at
C11. Hybrid Hooded x Carrion Crow Corvus cornix x corone 1ST FOR SPAIN
Rarities are not only vagrants but rare combinations of rare species with sometime common ones. Such is the case of this first for the country found in the Leon province of Castilla y León community by Javier Talegón becoming the 11th candidate for the rarest of the rare 2013.
León . On 8.5 a hybrid between Carrion and Hooded Crow was seen at Grajal de Campos, León (Javier Talegón). No previous records of this kind of hybrids, common in certain areas of Europe, for Spain. Record already submitted to the CR-SEO/BirdLife
C12. Cape Verde Shearwater Calonectris edwarsii THIRD FOR SPAIN
After the two first birds in 2010 in the same island, another individual was captured twice at Montaña Clara in June-July. Not breeding but visiting the colony. At least for the moment. Is this rarity a candidate for a future establishment in the Canaries? Soon to be said, but interesting without doubt. Doctor Jacob González-Solís and Laura Zango enter the draw with their Cape Verde Shearwater in the Canary islands.
Montaña Clara (N of Lanzarote). On 28.6 one bird was caught, measured and sampled within a Cory's Shearwater colony (Calonectris diomedea) at Montaña clara islet, North of Lanzarote, Canary Islands (Laura Zango, Jacob González-Solís). See a special photopage here. The bird found on 28.6, measured and sampled within a Cory's Shearwater colony (Calonectris diomedea) at Montaña clara islet, North of Lanzarote, Canary Islands (Laura Zango, Jacob González-Solís). was retrapped on 2.7 and ringed with ring 6215207. Measurements showed that it was a different bird from those seen in 2010 in the same islet.
C13. Swinhoe's Storm-Petrel Oceanodroma monorhis FIFTH FOR SPAIN
Storm-petrel ringing is a hard but rewarding nocturnal work. What does not account as normal is trapping a major rarity entering the colony. Not one but some consecutive nights. And Swinhoe's Storm-petrel is the major lotto prize for any Storm-petrel ringer. Guillermo Mayor and Raúl Ramos contribute at Alicante to the Rarest of the Rare 2013 with the 5th Swinhoe's Storm-petrel for Spain.
Alicante . One was first heard singing in the European Storm-petrel cave at Benidorm Island, latter trapped and ringed there on 15.6 (Guillermo Mayor, Raúl Ramos).See two cell phobne photos below (Guillermo Mayor).Presumably heard again in the colony on 17.6 night, but not fully confirmed (Guillermo Mayor). See new photos below (Raül Ramos) and thumbnail here (Guillermo Mayor).
With the previous records long time ago, in distant places and only seen by very few authors, news of an adult at Valencia were gladly received. Unfortunately again it did not stay but one day. Nacho Díes, former Sectretary of the Spanish Rarities Committee, and his fellow Miguel Chardí from Albufera de Valencia participate in the Rarest of the rare contest with their Grey-headed Gull, a 3rd for Spain, 2nd for mainland.
Valencia On 11.6 there was an adult in breeding plumage at Racó de l'Olla saltmarsh, Valencia, L’Albufera de Valencia (J. Ignacio Dies, Miguel Chardí). The 3rd for Spain. Previous records are those of an adult between 30 June and 15 August 1971 at Doñana marshes (Ardeola, 46: 140) and a 1w at Gran Canaria island, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria harbour on 2 February 2005 (Ardeola 54(2), 2007, 405-446). See two photos below (J.I.Dies). Not relocated.
An interesting claim, a putative 1st for Spain, a single author, a single shot in proper site and dates. If discarding any other species, a long-awaited species will be added to the Spanish list. Xabier Prieto and his Pacific Swift at A Coruña is the 15th candidate to the Rarest of the Rare 2013.
A Coruña . One was reported and record-shot photographed at A Frouxeira lagoon, Valdoviño, A Coruña on 23.6 (Xabier Prieto). See the chronicle in galician in his blog here. If submitted and accepted could be a 1st for Spain (previous claim for the same site and author unfortunately could not be accepted due to not enough proof for a 1st for the country).
C16. Forster's Tern Sterna forsteri c.f. 6TH FOR SPAIN
Cádiz is contributing to a better knowledge of the migration of rare terns in the country, notably Lesser-Crested and Roseate Terns. The tern counts produces rewards such as this unexpected 6th for Spain Forster's tern by regular contributor to the website and Rarities Committee Rafa García Costales.
Cádiz . There was one at Salinas de Cádiz on 17.8 (Rafael García Costales). See a photo below. More info on this and other terns there to come in his blog Aves por la Bahía. Relocated on 25.8 (Rafa García Costales et al) and on 28.8 (Rafa Garcia), see photos in his blog.
Another major rarity coming from the Canary islands is this Semipalmated plover, the 1st for the islands found at La Palma island by visiting birders Tom Brereton and Marcus John and controlled all the time being by local resident Robert Burton. A long-stayer bird that attracted even birders from mainland, the Semipalmated Plover is the 17th candidate to the Rarest of the Rare 2013.
La Palma . There was one at sewater pools by La Palma Airport, La Palma island on 4.10 (Tom Brereton y Marcus John). On 5.10 it was seen again, when photographed (Robert Burton). See an entry in his blog here.On 8.10 it was still present (Robert Burton). The bird was seen again on 18.10 (Javier Orrit) and 19-27.10 (Robert Burton). On 31.10 it remained there (Juan Sagardía, José Portillo, Robert Burton). The bird found at seawater pools by La Palma Airport, La Palma island on 4.10 remained there on 17.11 (Clemente Álvarez Usategui, Xurxo Piñeiro y Nacho Castelao). Photographed on 19-20.11 (see below, Clemente Álvarez Usategui).
C18. Isabelline Wheatear Oenanthe isabellina 5TH FOR SPAIN
Predicting where a rarity can turn up depends on many items. Rarities Committee member Daniel López-Velasco gathers almost all of them and forecasting the interest of Mar de Fora area at Fisterra is his credit. Add enough birding skills and you have the 5th Isabelline Wheatear for Spain at A Coruña.
A Coruña There was a bird at Mar de Fora, Fisterra, A Coruña, on 5.10 (Daniel López-Velasco), see two photos below. It remained there on 6.10 José Portillo, David Calleja). On 8.10 it was still present (Alexia del Río,Cosme Damián Romay).
C19.African Desert Warbler Sylvia deserti c.9TH FOR SPAIN, c.8TH FOR THE CANARY IS.
Good places are also in need of good observers. When local warden Antonio Portales called David Pérez with the news of an African Desert Warbler it was easy to understand that David went quicky to look for the bird with luck and enough skill to obtain a number of stunning photos. Other authors even travelled from mainland Spain to see the bird. And failed. But that's birdwatching. With all the birds of this species from the Canary islands, this Sylvia deserti relocated after its finding is the 19th candidate for the Rarest of the rare 2013.
La Graciosa, Las Palmas . On 30.10 a bird was found at La Graciosa island, N of Lanzarote, Las Palmas (Antonio Portales). On 31.10 it was relocated and photographed (David Pérez). Read the full story here and see a photo below. Presumably the same bird found on 30.10 at La Graciosa island, N of Lanzarote, Las Palmas was seen again on 26.11 (Antonio Portales).
Also from the Canaries but not from a remote isled but from Tenerife comes this well-worked rarity, a 1st for the country involving one or two birds - a matter that will be examined carefully by the Rarities Committee-. Resting enough time to allow multiple visits and photo oportunities, Ramón Fernández, Rubén Baroné and Rolf Larsson enter the contest with Tenerife's Wilson's Snipe, a 1st for the island and Spain.
Tenerife. From 17.10-5.11.2013 two birds were seen and photographed at Charcas de Tejina y Bajamar, La Laguna, Tenerife, Canary Islands (Ramón Fernández, Rubén Barone y Rolf Larsson). Read a full account in Spanish in Aves Canarias blog here. On 6.11 and 7.11 they were still there (Antonio Acedo; Eduardo García del Rey), Still visible on 8.11 (Antonio Acedo, David Pérez) , see photos in David blog here, and 9.11 (Juan Sagardía, Óscar Llama, Rubén Cerdeña).See the special identification page here!. Two birds still present on 12.11 (Antonio Acedo) and 16.11 (Clemente Álvarez Usategui,Nacho Castelao, Xurxo Piñeiro).One of them seens to be confirmed as delicata by all people consulted (Juan Sagardía). It was seen again on 30.11 (José Portillo).
C21. Asian Desert Warbler Sylvia nana FIRST FOR SPAIN
Another first for Spain found in a local patch and already in study by the Rarities Committee. 2013 Big Year contest has created some additional interest in local lists. This case demonstrates how anything can turn up if you look enough. Although unlike its Canary islands relative sighting it did not stay for the twitch. Ángel Ruiz Elizalde and his Cantabria Asian Desert Warbler, 1st for Spain is candidate number 21 for the Rarest of the rare 2013.
Cantabria . On 16.11 a bird was found and photographed at Ajo, by the Ría, Cantabria (Ángel Ruiz Elizalde). The 1st for Spain. See photos below and thumbnails here. It was not relocated on 17.11 (Mario Alonso et al). More details about the Asian Desert Warbler sighting from the observer in his blog here. Record submitted to the CR-SEO/BirdLife.
C22. Bufflehead Bucephala albeola 5TH FOR SPAIN
One of the last surprises of the year, still more surprising when it was photographed showing a ring on its tibia, quite similar to those used in America to ring this species. Until this contest was prepared the ring had not been read. Would it be american this should be a major 'proven' and important rarity. If not would be another 'feral' nice duck adding confusion to the arrival of this species to the same good place of the Pacific Swift above. Pablo Pita and his Bufflehead at A Coruña is the last candidate to the Rarest of the Rare 2013.
A Coruña . On 22.12 a drake was found at A Frouxeira lagoon, Valdoviño, A Coruña (Pablo Pita). It was photographed later, see below (Xosé Manoel Carregal).
You've read all the stories... now... which is the Rarest of the Rare 2013 for you? Vote now!