
Mostrando entradas de enero, 2014

Grus canadensis, 'Rarest of the Rare' 2013

© Amigos de Gallocanta 25.2.2013 Winner of the Rarest of the Rare 2013, with 37% of the votes was: [El ganador del más raro de los raros 2013, con el 37% de los votos ha sido:] Grulla canadiense / Sandhill crane / Grus canadensis Despite being probably a returning bird with one previous accepted by the Rarities Committee record from 4 November 2011 at Don Benito, Badajoz ( Ardeola 60(2): 460-461), and with one further record received from this bird from 2nd January 2012, Sandhill Crane record from 2013 has been considered the rarest sighting and bird from 2013 in Spain. After that winter the bird might have returned the following year when it was twitched by many people unlike in the previous season when it was found on its way north at the strategic stopover site of Gallocanta lagoon, Aragon. For that reason, perhaps, and because of the scarcity of the species in this side of the Atlantic it has been voted as Rarest of the Rare 2013. [Pese a tratarse proba...