Junco hyemalis in Mallorca: request for search [Junco pizarroso en Mallorca: petición de búsqueda]

Distribution map of Junco hyemalis in N America (Source: Birds of North America online)

On 27.7.2011, Stephen Chorley, an UK based birder saw a Slate-coloured Junco (Junco hyemalis) in Mallorca. He posted a few days after this message to the rarebirdspain facebook page:
Whilst visiting Mallorca last week I saw a Dark-eyed Junco, Junco hyemalis of the race Slate-coloured Junco. Seen on Wednesday, 27th July 2011, at 1330 adjacent to the last house and scrub land at the south end of Cala Morlanda, East Mallorca. Many other good birds seen whilst on the island but this was the one rarity worthy of mentioning, so that others might benefit from visiting this area. This bird is rare in the UK, so must be pushing the boundaries here.
Stephen Chorley
He kindly sent us three photos of the site he saw the bird and a request to broadcast the news to see if anyone can attempt relocating the bird.

Regarding the location, he added as follows:

On the road between the road signs of Cala Morlanda / Avinguda Del Llop and the sign on a house wall which read Carrer DE LA GAVINA.
The Junco landed for approx 20 seconds under the tree overhanging from the last house south to feed on seeds. This is adjacent to scrub land and just back from the coast and only 25 feet away from where I was standing.

Despite it may seem an unappropiate date for recording a transatlantic passerine vagrant, such bird may have arrived as a consequence of any vessel (now sailing Copa del Rey being celebrated) or might have arrived last autumn or at any other time, even from central Europe having landed elsewhere. Also might be an escape (but from where?). For that reason attempting the relocation of this individual is very interesting to see if it's an adult, 1w, having proofs of its correct identification for future reference etc. This July some American waders, notably White-rumped Sandpipers (Calidris fuscicollis) have reached the Mediterranean (e.g. two records in Mediterranean Spain, one ringed in Italy) due to early hurricane activity so any option could be open for this long-distance american migrant. News would be welcome to rarebirdspain page.

Resumen. Junco pizarroso en Mallorca: petición de búsqueda. Se adjuntan fotos y croquis de la localización donde el observador británico Stephen Chorley observó un Junco hyemalis el 27.7.2011. Sería interesante relocalizar el ave dada la extrema rareza de la cita y dado que no necesariamente ha de tratarse de un escape.

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