Egyptian Plover in Alicante, 1st for mainland Spain? [Pluvial Egipcio, 1ª cita para España Peninsular?]

A bird of this African species was seen and photographed at close distance on 29.5 at the stonebeach of Albir, in southern Altea, between Benidorm and Calpe, Alicante (Jesper Thomelius). The bird was also seen by some local observers in close dates: according to Avesforum list, the bird wad been found on 4th June 2008 at Albir beach, Alfàs del Pi, Alicante (Fernando Carmona). The bird was drinking on a small water pont and could be seen at 5-10 m distance. Some locals affirmed to Fernando that they had been givig water to the bird until 12 June 2008!. The bird has been relocated in mid June in Cartagena area. The information is being collected in the Rare Birds in Spain website.

This would not be the 1st Spanish record though: there is an old reference of a bird collected around La Laguna, Tenerife, in the XIX century (quoted by Cabrera 1893 referenced in Martín & Lorenzo 2001,
Aves del Archipiélago Canario). The same authors quote however that the species can be object of trade: two birds were seen in captivity in Tenerife in 1996.

HBW, in turn, gives further vagrancy references to Lybia and N Egypt.

So here comes the question. Could the Alicante bird be a genuine vagrant? Give us your opinion or data in the poll and also leaving a comment in the post.

Resumen. Pluvial Egipcio, ¿primera cita para España peninsular?. Se observó y fotografió un Pluvial Egipcio en la playa de Albir, Alicante, al menos el 29.5.2008. No sería la primera cita española ya que hay una del siglo XIX en Canarias, citada por Cabrera (1893) recogida en Martín y Lorenzo 2001, Aves del Archipiélago Canario. Estos autores citan la presencia de aves en cautividad en Tenerife en 1996. Por su parte el HBW da citas de divagancia en Libia y Egipto. Puede ser el ave de Alicante un divagante natural? Da tu opinión en la encuesta y dejando un comentario en este post.

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