Greater Spotted Eagles return to El Hondo for another consecutive winter

On 28 October 2020 Jacobo Ramos found a 1w Greater Spotted Eagle Clanga clanga on an alfalfa field by the road from Santa Pola to El Hondo (El Fondo), Elx, Alicante (Alacant). The bird was seen on the ground and flying around and it was eating something as it is shown in the photos. The same day an adult was seen while counting birds within El Hondo Park (Adrián Orihuela) but it was not the well known marked Estonian bird ' Tõnn' which, according to its satellite tag was on 31 October on its way to Spain but still in Germany (see map capture below and the online map here ). In the last years a number of Greater Spotted Eagles and also a number of Lesser Spotted Eagles ( Clanga pomarina ) have been seen in this area in autumn and winter mostly, some to remain the whole season. El 28.10.2020, Jacobo Ramos (fotos) encontró un primer invierno de águila moteada Clanga clanga en un campo de alfalfa de la carretera que va de Santa Pola a El Hondo, Alican...