Arctic Warbler ringed in Doñana, October 2020

On 16th October 2020 an Arctic Warbler ( Phylloscopus borealis ) , see enclosed photos (J.L.Arroyo) was trapped and ringed at Manecorro ringing station, Espacio Natural Doñana, Almonte, Huelva. The bird was seen by José Luis Arroyo, Antonio Martínez, Manuel Máñez and Francisco Carro. The bird showed somewhat worn greater coverts which formed the strongest wing bar despite the effect of wear. Median coverts formed a much less visible second bar. This wear and other coloration features brought us to the conclusion of the bird being an adult. According to biometrical data, the bird was a female. This is the 3rd Arctic Warbler for Spain and by late October it was already accepted by the Spanish Rarities Committee. El pasado viernes 16 de octubre capturamos un ejemplar de Phylloscopus borealis en la Estación de Anillamiento de Manecorro (Espacio Natural Doñana), Almonte, Huelva. Los observadores fuimos José Luis Arroyo, Antonio Martínez, Manuel Máñez y Francisco Carro. Las fo...