Rarest of the rare 2018 / El más raro de los raros 2018

This is the 9th in-a-row Rarest of the rare bird in Spain contest. It includes some of the 2018 birding highlights. A selection of some of the top rarest sightings obtained in the country during 2018 and chosen by the webmaster of Rarebirdspain.net according to scarcity or singularity of the records are presented below. This year, Rare Birds in Spain, in its 18 to 19 year-in-a-row online period has published news on 722 rarities (585 in 2017). Rarebirdspain.net web has published 454 large (720 pixels wide) original photos in 2018 (504 in 2017 with a larger list of rarities and rear-rarities, 608 in 2016, 501 in 2015), 11 videos (2 in 2017, 14 in 2016, 8 in 2015) and 173 (344 in 2017, 362 in 2016, 368 in 2015) small sized (thumbnails) supporting photos all kindly sent by the authors. It therefore has not been easy to build a selection of the rarest birds recorded amongst those 722 records and 638 media featured, but once again a choice of may be the rarest of the rar...