Marmora's Warbler in Spain [Curruca Sarda en España]

On 3.5.2012 Alberto Plata has trapped and ringed a male Marmora's Warbler at Tabarca island, Alicante. See a full report in Spanish in his blog here and a photo provided by him below. Sylvia sarda ♂ 3.5.2012 (Alberto Plata) This is a 4th for Spain of a species that perhaps should not be so uncommon according to its nearby location and migratory character plus already existing records in S France. Previous accepted records in Spain are as follows: 1997 Barcelona. Garraf hills, Singing male. Song tapped 25 May 1997 (X.Bayer, C. Guasch, H.Salvadó). 2004 Barcelona. Delta del Llobregat, El Prat de Llobregat, Ca l'Arana, 1st winter male 14 March 2004 (Xavier Larruy), same site, probably same individual , La Magarola beach, 1st winter male, photo, 16 and 20 March 2004 (X.Larruy and Daniel Burgas). This record appeared in March 2004 page of Rare Birds in Spain website too and a photo plus two thumbnails were featured there, photo reproduced below. Sylvia sarda 1...